Wisconsin Referendum Questions on Aug. 13 Ballot: Voting YES Stops Wasteful Spending

wisconsin referendum

This is an opinion column by Rep. Robert Wittke.

Should the Legislature have a role in how your tax money is spent?

On August 13, 2024, you will find two referendum questions on the ballot. The questions may be a little confusing so I want to provide background and little less confusing language which I hope will be helpful.

The legislature nearly a century ago gave up one of its key tasks – overseeing the spending of public dollars, or the “power of the purse” – and in so doing, took away much of the ability of the public to weigh in on how its own tax dollars are spent.

Today, the flaws of this approach have become apparent as billions of federal dollars poured into Wisconsin for non-routine, unspecified purposes and left to the sole discretion of the Governor to spend.

The questions on your ballot ask you to decide whether the legislature should have a role in decisions related to the spending of non-routine federal money sent to Wisconsin. This is important no matter who is Governor and which political party is in the majority.

It was the 1930’s when the Legislature gave away its responsibility to help determine how state money that comes from the federal government should be spent. Legislators gave up a key task when they delegated this responsibility to the Governor. It was a time of crisis.

The Legislature’s ability to come together to make important financial decisions for the state was constrained by a lack of communication and transportation options.

Today, modern technology makes it very practical, even easy, for legislators to review spending requests and act quickly when needs arise.

Let’s look at the questions.

Question 1

Shall Article IV, Section 35 (1) of the Wisconsin Constitution be created to provide that the
Legislature may not delegate its sole power to determine how moneys shall be appropriated?

In other words: Do you think the legislature should take part in deciding how taxpayer dollars are spent in Wisconsin?

Yes vote – the legislature should take part in deciding how taxpayer dollars are spent. The
legislature shouldn’t give away the power of the purse to the Governor.

No vote – the legislature should not take part in how taxpayer dollars are spent and you are okay with the legislature delegating the power of the purse to the Governor.

Question 2

Shall Article IV, Section 35 (2) of the Wisconsin Constitution be created to prohibit the Governor from allocating any federal moneys the Governor accepts on behalf of the state without the approval of the Legislature by joint resolution or as provided by legislative rule?

In other words: Do you think the Governor should be required to have legislative approval for the spending of federal money that is sent to Wisconsin?

Yes vote – the legislature should approve all spending of federal money that is sent to

No vote – the Governor should continue to spend federal money that is sent to Wisconsin without legislative approval.

You decide.

I hope this is helpful information. I’m grateful to my colleague, Sen. Marklein, for working with me on the resolution that created these questions and for his column that explained the questions so simply. If you have comments or concerns you may contact my office at 608-266-0731 or email me at [email protected].

Representative Robert Wittke currently represents Wisconsin’s 62nd Assembly District which includes a portion of the City of Racine, the Village of Caledonia, Raymond, Wind Point, and the Town of Norway and Waterford.