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HomeBreakingBizarre 'Republicans for Harris' Event Refuses Questions From Conservative Media

Bizarre ‘Republicans for Harris’ Event Refuses Questions From Conservative Media


The Harris/Walz campaign held a humorous Zoom event featuring three elderly Trump haters with no influence in Wisconsin conservativism today, touting them as part of a mythical “Republicans for Harris” movement here. But, tellingly, they wouldn’t ask any questions from conservative media.

The three panelists are not well-liked among Wisconsin conservatives—if they are even remembered—one, Charlie Sykes, is despised by many. Thus, it’s hard to see them moving a single vote. Like the cringe-worthy “Men for Harris” video going around, the event was sort of a coastal liberal’s idea of who Wisconsin Republicans might listen to.

The “Republicans for Harris” panel only took questions from non-conservative media. They ignored all questions from Wisconsin Right Now, specifically:

“What are your biggest concerns about a Kamala Harris presidency?”

“On balance, why don’t you think the Biden/Harris border policies are also dangerous to this country?”

“Aren’t you concerned that a Harris Administration could mean the loss of the conservative Supreme Court?”

Republicans for harris

Instead, they took potshots at Trump’s personality, painting him in extreme terms while largely ignoring Harris’s policy failures.

The press event featured a grand total of three “Republicans for Harris”: Sykes, the former radio talker with a longstanding case of “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” Dale Schultz, a Jill Underly-endorsing ex-politician, and Dave Deininger, an elderly former judge who once defended the John Doe targeting Scott Walker. The event comes on the heels of the Harris/Walz campaign trotting out failed Congressional candidate Liz Cheney in Ripon.

She’s the daughter of the guy who led the country into war, whereas former President Donald Trump has promised that he will use strength to stop wars from happening in the first place.

All three panelists have long been out of favor with most Wisconsin conservatives. Two are blasts from the past, but none are relevant here.

In case you have forgotten, then-Republican Gov. Scott Walker withdrew Deininger’s appointment to the conservative-despised “Government Accountability Board,” because he didn’t think he would get confirmed by the Republican-controlled state Senate. Deininger spoke out in favor of the GAB’s work on the notorious John Doe probe into Walker and the conservative campaign finance network.

Sykes used to be a leading conservative voice in Wisconsin until he spectacularly bailed from the scene in 2016, setting up a national cottage industry of Trump hatred. He used his new national reach, including a perch on liberal MSNBC, to trash Wisconsin Republicans, including some he used to push.

Schultz used to be a Republican legislator, but he endorsed uber-leftist JILL UNDERLY for state school Superintendent in 2021, and many regarded him as less than a solid conservative long ago. For example, he once trashed Walker’s collective bargaining efforts.

These are the voices Harris/Walz think conservatives will listen to. They couldn’t be more tone-deaf.

And irrelevant.

Jim Piwowarczykhttps://www.wisconsinrightnow.com/
Jim Piwowarczyk is an investigative journalist and co-founder of Wisconsin Right Now.

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