Saturday, March 15, 2025
Saturday, March 15, 2025

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HomeBreaking'Family' Matters

‘Family’ Matters


Governor Tony Evers recent verbiage controversy has been ridiculed and joked about by many. However, there is a nefarious aspect to Evers “creative” wordsmithing in the recent budget bill before the state legislature. For those who do not know what Evers did, Evers altered wording in the budget so that the word “mother” became “inseminated person.” “Father” now is known as a “natural parent.” “Paternity” morphs into “parentage.”

“Husband” and “wife” become “spouse” or “person.” These insertions garnered a lot of attention. Late night media and others had a field day with lots of laughs at Evers expense. Evers downplayed this in an interview, not addressing his questionable substitutions, but rather strangely blaming Republicans.

The deflection seemed weak, as proof is in the bill for all to see. Evers couldn’t offer up an honest reason for what he did, stumbling over “legalities” which made no sense. The real wickedness of what Evers did should be taken very seriously. One must examine communism and history to see how this is true.

The family, as perceived by some in our country and other areas of the globe, is a threat. A threat to a communist agenda. The family unit must be destroyed, as the communist desires loyalty to the state only – not the family. This is accomplished in various ways such as using education, propaganda, and inserting the state into the family way of life.

In 1848, Karl Marx (the father (or “natural parent” per Evers)) of communism, called for the abolition of the family in his Communist Manifesto. Marx wanted the role of the parent to be replaced by the state. This was in keeping with the desire for a new society – and the family stood in the way since Marx felt the family unit was based on capitalism, which Marx hated.

In keeping with Marx’s wishes, our own federal government has taken steps to provide “free” breakfast, lunch, and dinner for school-age children – even for children who do not need such. This is replacing a basic parental responsibility. Parents who attended school board meetings and spoke up about educational concerns were called “terrorists.” Daycare has become common for children – taking over the usual role of the mother (or father) for a large chunk of the day.

Of course, some parents do require daycare to make ends meet, which is unfortunate as many parents would prefer the ability to stay home with their child(ren). Many of our public schools and colleges use their classrooms to teach a captive audience an ideology that promotes hating the United States and all it stands for, distorting history in the process. Marx would be proud.

In 2021 (almost four years ago!) I penned an article for “This Just in From Franklin” for Kevin Fischer. Titled: “Mother is Under Assault”, I mentioned how “mother” was being referred to as “chest feeder” or “birthing parent.” Maternity wards in the UK started to be called “perinatal units.” Breast milk was a big no-no and was to be referred to as “human milk” or “chest milk.” The word “father” was being replaced by “second biological parent,” “co-parent,” or “parent.”

This was all in an effort to placate less than 1% of the population that identifies as trans, and to dismiss mother and father from family vocabulary. The trans movement itself is also complicit in trying to destroy the family. From “Society’s Child” by The Federalist writer John David Davidson (9/5/22):

“Evidence continues to mount that a concerted effort is underway between major hospitals and public school systems to indoctrinate children with transgender ideology and push harmful, sometimes irreversible, medical procedures on minors — sometimes without the knowledge or consent of parents.

The point of the indoctrination, though, isn’t only to create more “gender-nonconforming” students. It’s to break down family structures and parental authority. The goal isn’t simply to teach and encourage transgenderism in our schools. It’s to lay claim to the students themselves, over and against their parents and families, for purposes that go far beyond the promotion of gender identity. After all, you can’t very well reshape society according to your utopian vision if something as solid as a family is standing in the way.”

Specifically, the topic of sex is also an excellent example. Per communist beliefs, the sexual revolution’s objective – including the sexualization of children – is to eliminate the family. Values and morals go out the window; sexual pleasure is the only goal.

Real relationships are reduced to meaningless sexual encounters. This leads to the disintegration of the monogamic and patriarchal family. Who cares about getting married? Divorce is common. Phone apps allow people to hook up for sex – no strings attached. Young children are treated to “Drag Queen Story Hours” where men dressed as garish women read books to the little ones. In what sane world is this acceptable?

Look at how “pronouns” became so popular. Liberals and woke corporations were quick to embrace pronouns as just another weapon against normalcy. (They/them, anyone?). If one referred to another with a mistaken pronoun of that person’s choice, all hell could break loose!

At least the current administration is putting an end to this nonsense. In the same vein, “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) were presented as wonderful concepts. Until those three innocuous words were exposed for their real intent – promoting racism and division. Even the term “COEXIST” used by liberals (usually a bumper sticker slapped on the back of a Prius) sounds so warm and fuzzy, until one realizes that that COEXIST moniker only means one has to agree with that individual’s ideological views. If you don’t agree, the COEXIST crowd wants nothing to do with you.

A truly horrific example of language being corrupted is the term MAPS, which is being used by some to promote “minor attracted persons.” Some in the LGBTQ community appear to have no problem with pedophilia – after all, love is love.

Just at the term “MAPS” has been used to replace “pedophile” as a kinder, gentler, term, so is “gender affirming care.” “Gender affirming care” terminology has replaced a psychiatric diagnosis of “gender dysphoria” (a mental illness). Sounds so nice, doesn’t it? Until one realizes “gender affirming care” really means chopping off body parts and/or receiving chemical treatments in order for one to become a sex they are not.

Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee has been offering this “service” to young children for several years. It is sad that some in society actually promote this type of thing. Why not allow children to grow up? Remember how Bill Maher famously stated: “Genderfluid? Kids are fluid about everything. If kids knew what they wanted to be at age eight, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. I wanted to be a pirate, thank God nobody took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery.”

Aside from the sexual aspect designed to tear apart the family, other words have been turned into something they are not. The “undocumented migrant” replaced “illegal alien” several years ago. In an effort to soften such and make illegals more acceptable by playing on emotions, the media and left insisted on the term “undocumented migrants.” It was rare to hear the term “illegal aliens” used by anyone in the mainstream media – whether in print or on television.

Thankfully, President Trump has brought the true definition back – no matter how harsh it may sound. It is a fact such individuals who sneak into our country are illegal and breaking the law. It is a fact they are foreigners. Hence the term, illegal alien.

In the criminal arena, where the left always seems to side with criminals over the law-abiding citizen and police, many liberal cities and states suggest that we no longer even use the term “criminals.” The explanation given for doing so includes that such people may not grow or thrive if we keep referring to them as a label for something they did in the past. The very word “criminal” frightens people! Society is stigmatizing people who broke the law and are in jail or prison.

We must stop stereotyping them for their own well-being. We must instead refer to criminals (and these are actual examples from various liberal websites): as “person convicted of a crime,” “incarcerated individuals” or “person who is on parole,” or my two personal favorite, “person seeking lawful status, or “resident.” Out of San Francisco comes “justice-involved individuals.” Again, the left is changing the terms based on emotions. Yet another attempt to lessen the seriousness of heinous crimes that people commit. One must wonder what the victims of these criminals think. Should victims now be called “crime-challenged people?”

Communists do not try to hide their goals. Herbert Marcuse, a famous scholar who was part of the neo-communist academy – the Frankfurt School – stated in an interview in 2015 that “whether the issue was race, sex, or climate, the goal is to overthrow the government of the United States.”

Words do matter.

While Governor Tony Evers was taken to task for what many viewed as bizarre word choices, there is a real method to his madness. He was following the Communist Manifesto. Destroy the family by deeming “mother” and “father” irrelevant, and the family. Wisconsin Senate President Mary Felzkowski stated what Evers did was an attempt to “erase women, the institution of marriage, and the family unit.

It is disgusting to see the Evers Administration’s attempt to erase mothers and fathers. It is becoming clear the governor not only wants the government to raise children, as we learned in the State of the State address, but that he wants to erase the concept of ’mom and dad’ altogether.”

Replacing the words mother and father with sterile terms ignores the individual and their relationship with their child. Communism frowns on individuality and the mother/father/child relationship. We must always pay attention to what the left/socialists are doing in our country with regard to language. We must fight against this weaponization of language. The pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

Let’s hope that on May 14th, no one wishes any mother a “Happy Inseminated Person’s Day!”

“There is no swifter route to the corruption of thought than through the corruption of language.” – George Orwell

Amy Hemmer
Hello WRN readers! I am very honored to have been chosen to write for Wisconsin Right Now. Years ago I penned a conservative column called "It's Hemmer Time" for the now-defunct Lake Country Reporter. I also like to keep The Waukesha Freeman busy with my frequent "Letters to the Editor." Writing has always been a passion of mine and I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to an excellent news source like Wisconsin Right Now. A brief background of yours truly: I graduated from UW-Madison in 1982 with a degree in Graphic Arts. I loved my time in Madison and was actually very liberal upon graduation. However, after working in the real world, I soon grew up, got smart, and became very conservative. VERY conservative. I have been happily married for 38 year and have three great adult children, as well as an assortment of furry friends. My hobbies include, but are not limited to, politics, jigsaw puzzles, target shooting, volleyball, cooking, biking, reading, and - of course - writing. I am also currently serving my third term as an elected school board official of the Arrowhead Union High School. Prior to Arrowhead, I served two terms as a school board member for the Merton School District. Being a school board member in today's political climate has been very challenging, but at the same time very rewarding. More to come on that topic! At my age, I feel many of my past, present, and future experiences and observations will make for an interesting read. I am very frightened for our country right now, like a majority of Americans. The old mantra of "Make America Great Again," has been discarded and stomped on by Biden & Co. for too long. It IS time to take our country back, and in my own small way I hope,via my words, to contribute to that cause. This column represents her own personal opinions and not the school board or this publication.

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