Richfield is a village in Washington County, Wisconsin, with a population of 11,623. According to the latest census, the population of Ridgefield Village is 11,690, or 0.20% of the total population of 5. At the time of the 2000 census [2], Richfield had a population of 144 people, 62 households, and 44 households. Richfield Village has a diaspora of 11 people, 26.6% under 18, 6.1% 18-24, 29.1% 25-44, 30.1% 45-64, 8.1% 65 and over. Show Source Texts
The racial makeup of Richfield is 99.31% white and 0.69% two or more races. The racial makeup of Ridgefield Village is 96.9% White, 0.8% African American, 0.3% Native American, 1.1% Asian, 0.4% other race, and 0 for two or more races. ,Fives%. Ridgefield's racial demographics are 96.0% White, 2.3% Asian, 0.6% Black, 0.5% two or more races, 0.4% other race, and 0.2% American Indian.
An estimated 97.90% of Richfield residents are natives, meaning they were U.S. citizens born in the United States, Puerto Rico, a U.S. island, or overseas. Show Source Texts
Among people aged 16 and over, 70.5% of Richfield residents are part of the labor force. The unemployment rate in Richfield is 1.9%, calculated for residents aged 16 and over who are part of the labor force. In Richfield, 7% of the civilian population 18 years of age or older are veterans, compared to 7.5% of adult civilians nationally and 7.6% of the civilian population in Wisconsin. Show Source Texts
Among adults aged 25 years and older, 96.6% of Richfield residents have at least a high school diploma or equivalent, 41.9% have a college degree, and 14.5% have a college degree or higher professional education. Among Richfield residents ages 5 and over, 3.6% speak a language other than English at home.
By context, 96.8% of the population aged 5 and over in Wisconsin speak only English or speak English very well, and 91.5% of the same age group nationwide. The 11 year old population is older than the United States as a whole. Show Source Texts
Compared to the state of Wisconsin, with a population variability of 1.2%, Richfield Wisconsin is about 2.7 times larger. Looking at the population density in Richfield, you can see that the population density is 48, which is lower than most other places in the area. The next highest population density is Figure 6, which shows the median age of people, with Richfield showing its overall median age of 43.8, which is the 4th overall median age of all of the 10 people in the area.
Comparing the median age of men and women, we find that Richfield, Wisconsin shows that the median age of men is about 12.6% lower than the median age of women. Latin, which has the most locations in the area, is the ratio of male to female population and shows that the total male population is about 5.4% lower than the total female population. Show Source Texts
The city with the highest median family size in the area is Arpin, Wisconsin, with a size of 3.5, up 12.8%. which is 3d more than all other places in the area. There are 0 families in Richfield with an average family size of 0.00 people. Family businesses make up 83.11% of the total 11, while non-family businesses make up the remaining 16.89%. Show Source Texts
Of the 4,488 housing units occupied in Richfield, 97.3% are owner-occupied and 2.7% are renter-occupied. A total of 11,053 people in Richfield currently live in the same home as 11 last year. According to the 2000 census [5], 10,373 people, 3,614 families, and 3,111 families lived in the city of Richfield. The population was 10,373 at the 2000 census when Richfield was a city. Show Source Texts
The median household income in the city was $34,792 and the median household income was $34,792. The median household income in Richfield Springs is $30,170 and the median household income is $40,956. Richfield has one of the lowest council rates in the Milwaukee area. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the village of Richfield has a total area of 36.46 square miles (94.43 square kilometers), of which 35.91 square miles (93.01 square kilometers) are land and 0.55 square miles (1.42 square kilometers) are water. Show Source Texts
A population of 11,305 makes Richfield the third largest city in Washington County. With a population of 11,739, Richfield is the 80th most populous of Wisconsin's 778 cities. Richfield is a city located in Adams County, Wisconsin, United States. Richfield Springs is a village in the town of Richfield on the north-central border of Otsego County, New York State. Show Source Texts
The Fries Lake and Richfield School District, which feeds Hartford Union High School, is located in the village of Richfield in southeastern Washington County, with a population of 11,410. The typical Richfield household earns $101,381 a year, about $41,100 more than the national median income of $60,293 and $42,200 more than the Wisconsin median of $59,209. Show Source Texts