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HomeRecall Robin VosFlorida Criminal Submitted Recall Vos Page With 4 Alleged Forgeries

Florida Criminal Submitted Recall Vos Page With 4 Alleged Forgeries [EXCLUSIVE]


One of the recall Vos circulators is a convicted criminal from Florida named Carlo Green who submitted a page that contains at least FOUR alleged forgeries, Wisconsin Right Now has documented.

Burlington, Wisconsin, retiree Leon Mich told WRN that he and his wife did not sign the petition. “Well, no, they forged it. I was against the recall,” he told WRN in an interview on March 12. According to Mich, he was approached by a recall circulator about a month ago, and he refused to sign the petition because he thinks the recall was a “waste of money.” He said he has contacted the Racine County district attorney.

The same page, circulated by Green, also contains the names of Phillip and Susan Hein, of Burlington, who told talk show host Dan O’Donnell that they did not sign it, either.

They join local CEO and Army veteran Sam Wahlen, who wrote on X that his name was forged as well; Wahlen’s name appears on a different sheet submitted by a different circulator. That makes at least five alleged forgeries to emerge out of the Vos recall petitions, so far.

The Vos recall petition, submitted by pest exterminator Matt Snorek, crumbled in spectacular fashion on Tuesday, the day after organizers claimed they had more than 10,000 signatures. The Wisconsin Election Commission wrote in a memo that only about 5,905 of the signatures were valid using Vos’s old district boundaries, more than 900 under the amount needed to force the recall.

The Vos recall organizers wrote on social media that they were paying people to deliver signatures. The petitions submitted reveal that many circulators, including Green, were from out of state. He is not the only circulator with a criminal history.

WEC asked the state Supreme Court to determine whether Vos’s old or new district boundaries apply; however, if the new boundaries are used, the number of signatures falls even shorter. The WEC eliminated signatures based on municipalities not being in the district; for example, people signed the petition who live in Georgia, Illinois, Milwaukee, Oconomowoc, and other communities not in Vos’s district.

Carlo green
Carlo green

The page with the Heins and Miches (although their name had a slight spelling deviation) was circulated by Carlo Green, whose address is given as Temple Terrace, Florida. We have confirmed through Florida court records that he has a lengthy history with the criminal justice system there and is a convicted criminal.

Green’s address in Florida court records matches his address on the Vos recall petition.

The names are given on the petition as “Leon Mitch” and “Darlene Mitch.”

Their names are actually Leon and Darlene MICH. The addresses given for “Leon and Darlene Mitch” on the sheet match Leon and Darlene Mich’s apartment address and number, except that the word Court was substituted for Circle in one of them.

Datamining sites show there is no Leon or Darlene “Mitch” in Wisconsin, far less one who lives in the same apartment. Furthermore, Leon Mich said he goes by the name Lee and would never sign his name Leon (in datamining records, he comes up as Leon Mich, 79, though. Datamining confirms his address.)

Vos recall
Vos recall page

Mich told WRN that he told a Vos recall circulator that he wouldn’t sign the petition because he believes the recall would be a “big waste of money.” He wasn’t sure which circulator had approached him.

“They approached me at the referendum election, and I said, ‘You’re crazy, stupid for doing this. That was about it,” he said. He said that encounter occurred “about a month ago.”

“I don’t agree with it,” he said, of the attempt to recall Vos, the Republican Assembly speaker.

Leon Mich has no idea how Green got his name. “Who knows, I live in an apartment,” he said.

Mich said he voted for Vos.

Carlo Green Criminal History

Carlo Durand Christopher Green, who is 27, has a lengthy entanglement with the criminal justice system in Hillsborough County, Florida, court records confirm. We also ran Green’s voter registration history in Florida, but it lists him as an unaffiliated voter.

Felons in Wisconsin can vote if they are off probation and parole. Petition circulators must be eligible to vote in Wisconsin. It was not clear from the Florida records whether Green was ever convicted of a felony, but he was accused of felonies multiple times since 2015. He has been convicted of misdemeanor crimes, the records document.

Court records show the following:

2015: He was found guilty of obstructing an officer, a misdemeanor.

2015: He pleaded guilty to felony provide false information on a pawnbroker form and felony theft. However, the records say adjudication was withheld. It’s not clear what that means in this context. He was given probation and accused of violating it.

In 2018, he was accused of felony burglary, felony grand theft motor vehicle and resisting an officer, a misdemeanor. The first two accusations resulted in no information filed. The misdemeanor was reduced to a county charge.

In 2018, he was found guilty of resisting an officer, a misdemeanor.

In 2019, he was accused of felony marijuana possession and possession of drug paraphernalia. The records list the sentence as “consolidated case.” It was not immediately clear what that means. That same year he was convicted of misdemeanor drug possession and possession of drug paraphernalia, however.

In 2022, he was accused of felony drug possession, but the case was not charged.

He also has several criminal traffic cases.

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