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HomeWisconsin Breaking NewsCloquet Fire was the worst natural disaster to strike Minnesota, new study...

Cloquet Fire was the worst natural disaster to strike Minnesota, new study finds


The Cloquet Fire of October 1918 represents the worst weather-related or natural disaster in the history of Minnesota, according to a new analysis from the website 24/7 Wall St.

That event resulted in 450 fatalities, the study reported.

The geographical diversity of the United States leads many of its states to be vulnerable to numerous kinds of natural disasters, according to 24/7 Wall St. These include wildfires, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the West, powerful hurricanes along the East Coast and the Gulf Coast, and flooding in the Midwest.

The website examined government records about weather-related events and tragedies that caused the most fatalities in each state. Such weather events, which led to $1 billion in property damage in 2018, are expected to cause even more destruction in the future due to climate change, according to 24/7 Wall St.

The Most Deadly Natural Disasters in Each State

StateNatural DisasterDateFatalitiesAlabamaDeep South Tornado OutbreakMarch 21, 1932286AlaskaGood Friday EarthquakeMarch 27, 1964139ArizonaTropical Storm NormaSept. 4-5, 197023ArkansasMississippi River FloodMay-August 1927127CaliforniaSan Francisco EarthquakeApril 18, 19063,000ColoradoBig Thompson Canyon FloodJuly 31, 1976144ConnecticutGreat New England HurricaneSept. 21, 193885DelawareGale of ’78Oct. 23, 1878100FloridaLake Okeechobee HurricaneSept. 6-20, 19282,500-3,000GeorgiaSea Islands HurricaneAug. 15, 1893Over 2,000HawaiiAleutian Islands Earthquake/TsunamiApril 1, 1946159IdahoThe Big Burn of 1910Aug. 20-21, 191087IllinoisChicago Heat WaveJuly 13-15, 1995750IndianaThe Great Flood of 1913March 1913100IowaArmistice Day BlizzardNov. 11, 1940154KansasGreat Plains Tornado OutbreakMay 25-26, 195580KentuckyLouisville CycloneMarch 27, 1890100LouisianaHurricane KatrinaAug. 23-31, 20051,577MaineIce Storm of ’98Jan. 4, 19988MarylandPan American jet hit by lightningDec. 8, 196381MassachusettsWorcester TornadoJune 9, 195390MichiganGreat Michigan FireSept. 5, 1881282MinnesotaCloquet FireOct. 12, 1918450MississippiHurricane KatrinaAug. 23-31, 2005238MissouriJoplin TornadoMay 22, 2011158MontanaThe Big Burn of 1910Aug. 20-21, 191087NebraskaSchoolhouse BlizzardJan. 12, 1888100NevadaHeat waveJuly 14-23, 200517New HampshireGreat New England HurricaneSept. 21, 193813New JerseySuperstorm SandyOct. 29, 201243New MexicoBlizzardDec. 14, 196751New YorkGreat Blizzard of 1888March 12-14, 1888200North CarolinaHurricane FloydSept. 16, 199926North DakotaSchoolhouse BlizzardJan. 12, 1888235OhioGreat Ohio FloodMarch 23-27, 1913467OklahomaGlazier-Higgins-Woodward tornadoesApril 9, 1947113OregonHeppner Flash FloodJune 2, 1903247PennsylvaniaJohnstown FloodMay 31, 18892,209Rhode IslandGreat New England HurricaneSept. 21, 1938100South CarolinaSea Islands HurricaneAug. 15, 1893Over 2,000South DakotaBlack Hills FloodJune 9-10, 1972238TennesseeSouthern United States Tornado OutbreakMarch 21-22, 195267TexasGalveston HurricaneSept. 8, 19008,000UtahBingham Canyon AvalancheFeb. 17, 192636VermontGreat Vermont FloodNov. 2-4, 192784VirginiaHurricane CamilleAug. 19, 1969153WashingtonWellington AvalancheMarch 1, 191096West VirginiaGreat Appalachian StormNov. 24-30, 1950160WisconsinPeshtigo FireOct. 8, 18711,500-2,500WyomingBlackwater FireAug. 18, 193715

Source: 24/7 Wall St.

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