Friday, March 14, 2025
Friday, March 14, 2025

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HomeBreakingDOGE: Democrats Are Protesting Against Government Efficiency!

DOGE: Democrats Are Protesting Against Government Efficiency! [Up Against the Wall]


This is an opinion piece by Terrence R. Wall

America is Back!

U.S. DOT – First let me say – my sympathies to my friend Sean Duffy at the DOT. There have been four airline crashes in just two weeks. That can’t be a coincidence. It’s the failure of the Biden administration to modernize air traffic control and focus on safety, safety, safety. You see, their focus the last four years has been on pronouns, trans bathrooms, and other distractions.  It is historically accurate to say that when distractions take the focus, the core business of the government, of business, of any organization will suffer and bad stuff happens.

So, Sean, please upgrade the air traffic system, and while you are at it, redefine an on time flight as starting when the plane take offs and leaves the ground rather than when it pulls back from the gate. Likewise, mandate a minimum amount of leg room in airline seats. I’m so sick of the games – taking away leg room and then charging you a fee to get it back. No more games. Let’s fix this thing!

DOGE –  Wait, did I see that right? Democrats are protesting against government efficiency? They are fighting against government fraud? They’re going to take to the streets and fight? Sounds like their claims of January 6th. How ironic. But let me clue you in Dems – fighting against efficiency and elimination of waste and fraud is not a winning strategy. Of course, Americans have become used to this routine of crying wolf. People are tired of it – the phony protests, the staged stand-ins at the doors of wasteful government agencies, the screaming at the cameras (and then, did you notice, afterwards laughing at the joke of the whole thing when they thought the cameras were off them).

And by the way, if we apply the Dems’ argument that unelected officials cannot do anything in government, then great! Let’s take their argument and apply it to all of government. Let’s get rid of the millions of government employees who create laws and rules and regulations that are by definition unconstitutional since they weren’t passed by Congress. They should follow the Dems argument and get out of government.

What the Dems are really upset about is that they have been exposed – exposed for their fraud, deceit and waste – and the circular pattern of taxpayer money that has been funneled to their pet organizations and projects so that those people can use that money to promote more government – and use it to elect more Dems. The circular pattern is now public, and the American public do not like it.

And the Dems’ snitch line – that’s right out of communist East Germany – when one-third of Germans were tattle-telling on their neighbors, parents, siblings, friends, etc. as part of a government sponsored hate line to phone in phony claims as a way of eliminating their adversaries. This national tantrum the Dems are throwing is like your teen having a hissy fit when you take away her credit card you shouldn’t have given her in the first place.

I have the buy out offer letter from DOGE that was sent to U.S. government employees – that I will reveal in the next Up Against the Wall column.  Stay tuned…

Straws – Thank you Trump on getting rid of paper straws! Drinking through a paper straw is like trying to suck a hot cheese curd through a wet noodle. It’s impossible. They melt within seconds.

Pennies – I’ll throw them out before I touch them and get a virus or the flu. No thanks. When coins were worth something, I’d bring home the change in my pocket and let the kids count it. If they counted it correctly, they got to keep it. Believe me, they learned to count money real fast! When my daughter’s teacher said that they had to redo the ‘money section’ because every student failed, except one. The one who didn’t fail happened to be the one that missed the entire money section week (because we were at Disney), my daughter. Between Disney vacation dollars (I invented that – giving them $5 per day to buy what they wanted when $5 actually bought you something at Disney, to teach the girls how to manage money, save, borrow, understand interest charges, and the like, along with counting loose change, the kids learned way more than they did in school.  Try it.

Tariffs – So, the way this works is – if the tariffs are in place long enough, then American businesses will invest in expanding and growing and building more manufacturing capacity, but attention Trump administration, that means that businesses have to believe the tariffs will be in place long-term. That means that the tariffs have to be passed by Congress into law so that another idiot Dem president can’t just cancel them. Long-term tariffs will cause more supply to come online, reducing or at least holding the line on prices and inflation. Of course, the Fed has to lower interest rates to help bring down inflation too – because lower interest rates will lower the breakeven on building new plants and housing!! Duh!

Likewise, along with tariffs – for them to work – tax cuts must be passed. Get on it! The government lived on tariffs until the income tax was passed, and we can return to that. The middle class was created because manufacturing was done right here in the U.S.Bring back manufacturing and you’ll bring back the middle class.

Inverse Relationship – There is an inverse relationship between the government and the people.  The more and bigger government – the less the people. The more money for government, the less money in your pocket. The government must take your money to exist. The more it takes, the bigger and more powerful the government – and then the more of your money it takes.

The Fed – Would Powell please resign? The Fed has just been exposed by the Wall Street Journal as complacent in Biden’s extreme spending and fraud and waste. More in the next Up Against the Wall column.

Wisconsin Right Now is a news organization focused on covering the news from a conservative point of view, in particular on politics and policy issues through analysis and opinions, and is protected by the first amendment of the United States constitution.  WRN does not make endorsements of candidates or direct readers to vote for or against any candidate or issue.  On October 18 and November 23, 2023 Donald Trump tweeted out on Trumps Truth Social account T. Walls October 6th column on Trumps property valuations.  T. Wall has appeared on Fox News, Jesse Waters Show on Fox, Newsmax, CBS, NBC, Spectrum News 1, USA Today,, YouTube, and numerous Madison and Milwaukee news programs and local newspapers (Wisconsin State Journal, Capital Times, Middleton Review, Middleton Times Tribune, and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and a dozen other Wisconsin papers) and previously wrote a column for InBusiness magazine and the Middleton Times Tribune for five years each.  T. Wall holds a degree from the UW in economics and an M.S. in real estate analysis and valuation and his full time career is as a real estate developer.  Disclaimer:  The opinions of the writer are not necessarily those of this publication or the left!

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