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Sunday, March 2, 2025

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HomeWRN VoicesEdgewood High School in Madison Goes Woke

Edgewood High School in Madison Goes Woke [Up Against the Wall]


Edgewood High, allegedly a Christian high school located on the near west side of Madison in the old Governor Washburn mansion, has gone woke. The school has hired a DEI staff member to cram what some would believe are woke lies down their students’ throats.

The school even shows (dare I say requires since students in class had to watch it) a video in which a little (angel) of a girl stands by what looks like a bad monopoly game board and removes buildings from the board after a older white developer puts each one on the board, i.e. she counters each move he makes.

There’s also a big board on the wall behind the developer that says ‘profits’, making it clear that profits are bad thing. The girl removes the evil developer’s power plant, office building and apartment building, while she replaces those with a green hill, a community building and a solar array.

The video was created by a couple of outfits – the Center for Earth, Energy & Democracy and Line Break Media, and the message is clear – power plants and office and apartment buildings are bad.

What amazes me about Edgewood, my alma-mater, is that the school is always asking for money. In fact, I was recently asked to make a donation. So how is it that the school has enough money to hire a full- time DEI staffer while claiming they’re short of funds and need more donations. I don’t get it.

A number of years ago I predicted this when a former high school president met me over lunch to ask about my perception of Edgewood and why it was struggling at the time. I asked who his customer is – and he said ‘the students,’ to which I responded, no, it’s the parents. I told him he didn’t understand Edgewood’s historic target market, which was conservative Christian managers and owners of businesses, as one example.

In other words, parents who want a conservative Christian education. The problem was that the school was moving left, and as I explained, why would any parent shell out $10,000 (at the time) for tuition if their student was going to receive the same woke liberal educational brainwashing that they can get for free from the public schools? But if Edgewood returned to its roots, to being conservative, then parents will happily pay that and even more.

Of course, nothing changed, and the school went on to move farther left. Remember, there are good public schools out there like Waunakee, so why pay extra to get a public education at a private school? Edgewood used to be the only thing in town, but since moving left, they’re now competing for the same customers as the woke public schools, but they don’t get that.

There are more stories to tell about the DEI program there, but I don’t have enough details; just stories from parents. My question is – what can parents do? Get involved. Ask questions. Send a letter demanding that your child is not to be subjected to this crap without your permission. Maybe even pull your kid out of that class.

I remember when I was forced by Edgewood to attend an over night 4-day retreat about 20 minutes west of Devil’s Head Resort. My dad wanted me to honor my commitment to my Saturday shift on the ski patrol, but a retreat was required for graduation, so I ‘had’ to go. So my dad told the school he would pick me up Saturday morning, missing the last day. (He didn’t ask permission.)

On that Saturday morning the retreat required participation in what I referred to as the “hate my parents confessional circle.” This was where you were to supposed to complain about your parents and blame them for, well, whatever. After listening to a bunch of students complaining, it came to my turn. I blurted out something along the lines of ‘you’re all nuts. I love my parents. They’ve done so much for me. I wouldn’t trade them for the world.’ And literally at the very moment, my dad drove up with the ski rack on the roof and I stood up and walked out the door.

My dad and I weren’t buying what they were selling, even back then!

Sometimes you just have to say ‘no’, like Nancy Reagan said.

Attention parents – your kids are being indoctrinated not just by the public schools but by woke Christian schools as well. You need to get involved.

On October 18 and November 23, 2023 Donald Trump tweeted out on Trump’s Truth Social account T. Wall’s October 6th column on Trump’s property valuations. T. Wall holds a degree from the UW in economics and an M.S. in real estate analysis and valuation and is a real estate developer. Disclaimer: The opinions of the writer are not necessarily those of this publication or the left!

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