This is an opinion column.
I attended a Hovde event recently so I could report on the experience with all of you. The polls show that Hovde is now breaking even with Baldwin. Everyone in Wisconsin knows that the history of polling here demonstrates that any conservative within 5 points of the Democrat is actually breaking even or even slightly ahead.
The Hovde event was held at a farm in a horse barn in Fitchburg and was very well organized, but the most interesting part is that there were many hundreds of voters in attendance; the most I’ve seen for an event for a senate candidate in 40 years.
The event was followed two days later with the U.S. Senate candidate debate between Hovde and Baldwin. Baldwin came off as tired and lacking energy. Worse, I have heard her ads on the radio, and the blatant nature of her lies shocked me. She’ll say anything, and she’s desperate to hold onto power. Did you ever notice how Democrats can’t win without lying about their own true positions on the issues?

I also heard an ad against Joan Ballweg that also was deceptive, saying she took out a government loan that she didn’t pay back; that was called PPP if you recall, and every business owner did that at the urging of the government.
This all occurred during the week leading up to my visit to the Reagan Ranch and the Reagan Presidential Library. Leftists’ attacks on Republicans go all the way back to those Reagan years; it’s nothing new, but it has become much worse recently with outright lying and fabrication of their leftist positions and making lies about the conservatives. It demonstrates the desperate position the left is in – they’re looking at losing their power to tell the rest of us what to do, to take our incomes, and to push their own socialistic agenda down our throats.
Like Trump and Hovde, President Reagan also presented an existential threat to the tyranny of the left.
It’s interesting to compare Reagan’s humble nature to the power-hungry nature of the left. Example – at the ranch, Reagan used one of those fiberglass shower stalls that would have barely fit him, and he slept in a bed that wasn’t even long enough to hold his feet; he had a bench positioned at the end of the bed to hold his feet. And this was while he was president. World leaders who visited the ranch were stunned at the simplicity of it; no massive palace or Russian dacha.
Likewise, an hour and a half away – the presidential library buildings where Reagan and Nancy are buried are also very Reaganesque; very low key and low rise, in Spanish revival style. I’m sure he must have approved. Inside, however, is a very modern and incredibly impressive museum that tells the whole story of Reagan’s life and his impact on the world.
They even had a replica of the Berlin Wall with holes in it that kids (and adult kids like me) can crawl on your hands and knees through to get a real feeling for what it was like for a trapped East Berliner to escape to freedom by digging a tunnel under the Wall. The library also contained Reagan’s Air Force 1 plane, along with his limo, and President Johnson’s Marine 1 helicopter. You actually get to walk through Air Force 1, and in doing so, I realized how unsophisticated and unpretentious it was back then. The whole experience was very well done and reminded me of the need for each of us citizens to fight back, to fight for our freedom, and to not let the left hijack this great nation.
The fight this election year is about so much more than who gets to lead us; it’s about the very direction of this country. Do we want to continue down the failed path of socialism and tyranny of regular American citizens who just want to be left alone, or do we want to, as Reagan said, chart a new course? A course that involves individual responsibility and freedom, freedom from government interference, and freedom to make our own choices. The left is all about choice when it comes to aborting yet-to-be-born children, but never about choice when comes to choosing where your children can go to school. They don’t want you to be able to choose your own path in life. They want to do that for you. They want to choose where your income is spent, what job you hold (only green jobs allowed), what car you drive, and even what kind of showerhead, dishwasher, and stove you can use. They’ve stuck their nose into every aspect of our lives.
They scream “hands off my body”, but they sure love to put their hands on my job, my income, my house, my children, my business, and on every single aspect of my life. As Reagan said, it’s time to choose. Choose wisely, or it will be the last choice we ever make.
T. Wall has appeared on Fox News, Jesse Waters Show on Fox, Newsmax, CBS, NBC, Spectrum News 1, USA Today,, YouTube, and numerous Madison and Milwaukee news programs and local newspapers (Wisconsin State Journal, Capital Times, Middleton Review, Middleton Times-Tribune, and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and a dozen other Wisconsin papers) and previously wrote a column for InBusiness magazine and the Middleton Times-Tribune for five years each. T. Wall holds a degree from the UW in economics and an M.S. in real estate analysis and valuation and his full-time career is as a real estate developer. Disclaimer: The opinions of the writer are not necessarily those of this publication or the left!