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Home Breaking Harris Administration Unprepared for Storms and More Such Non-sense

Harris Administration Unprepared for Storms and More Such Non-sense

kamala harris
Kamala Harris, border czar?

The storms have been hitting the southeast U.S. since the beginning of the earth, including the last four years of the defacto Harris administration, yet, in spite of the obvious, Harris is still, after four years, completely unprepared.  The fact that Biden said on video that the people of the Carolinas “are getting everything they need” is stunning and shows how completely clueless the guy is.

And FEMA is completely useless.  Just shut them down and contract with private non-profits instead.  The veteran based non-profits are the only ones that seem to be able to make a difference in air dropping supplies in.

Why is Harris also clueless?  Because ‘they’ (pun intended) are so focused on assigning pronouns and building transgender bathrooms they don’t have time or interest in dealing with real-world needs.  It’s just like when the liberals don’t bother maintaining government or school buildings.  That’s just not exciting to them.  They’d rather spend your money on hiring more government employees because buildings don’t vote.

Harris is for “they” and Trump’s for you.  I love that slogan, because it’s so true.

As former Congressional Rep Reid Ribble used to say, “the Democrats attack people; Republicans attack problems.  How true.

Think of all the ‘storms’ that Biden and Harris have caused.  Inflation storm; Ukraine storm; War on Israel storm; the coming China storm in Taiwan; the border storm; the illegal aliens storm; shall I go on?

My concern is how are the residents of the storm-damaged zones going to vote.  (That’s why you should vote early by absentee ballot, in case of a storm or medical issue.)  Whole towns were wiped out.  There is no place to vote…, and roads are impassable.  Now what?  No plans…

Trump is a developer, and developers are doers.  We get sh*t done.  Developers are forced to anticipate – storms, problems, fires, etc. as part of our risk mitigation strategies – just to survive.  Example – He’s proposed tariffs, what I call Smart Tariffs, which will give him leverage to negotiate with foreign countries but also block Chinese goods from getting into the U.S., punishing them for their attacks on shipping and fishing in the South China Sea.  Hopefully, the tariffs on China will also put their economy into a recession, putting pressure on Zi, possibly even slowing his military build-up, and maybe, just maybe, causing Zi’s ouster.  Without American dollars, Zi can’t afford to build up his military.  Just like Reagan did to the Soviet Union, Trump could do to Zi, put financial pressure on him to bankrupt their economy or cause the Chinese people to rise up and demand new leadership.

It’s all circular, and Trump knows how to use free trade a strategic tool to bring back jobs to the U.S., to leverage negotiations, to pressure Zi, and to increase tax revenue here to pay down the national debt without increasing income taxes, because more jobs means more tax revenue.

In Wisconsin, Republicans are doing their part – by placing on the ballot in November a state constitutional amendment to keep illegals (non-citizens aliens) from voting in our elections.  The Wisconsin state urinal opinion page was all aghast at the idea of a constitutional amendment to ban something that they claim is already banned.  Really?  Well, if that was true, what’s the harm?  But of course, what they say is not true.  In Madison, non-citizens and non-residents can vote, and in fact, the city clerk has mailed out over 4,100 letters to individuals who came to her office with ZERO proof of residency.  ZERO! which is why she mailed them a letter from her office, so they could return to her office with that official letter so they could register to vote when, in fact, they have ZERO proof of residency!  But hey, that didn’t stop her.  (The next time some lib demands that you give them examples of cheating, you can use this example.  I have copies of the 4,100+ letters in my possession.)

The whole purpose of the left’s and Harris’s open border policy is to get 20 million illegals in here and then have them vote.  That’s their end game.  Get ‘em hooked on the government dole and then get ‘em to vote (the way they want).

The newspaper even claims that “most immigrants work hard and contribute to our economy and communities.”  No, they don’t.  Hiring an undocumented illegal is in itself illegal, and companies and individuals who hire them can be arrested, prosecuted, and thrown in jail.  So that’s another lie.  Only those who enter this country lawfully and have proper documentation can be hired.  And so illegals have to work in the black market, i.e., under the table, which by definition means that they don’t pay taxes or social security.

Every state needs to pass an amendment like this; otherwise, the Dems are going to hand out ballots to the 20 million illegals that are being put up in our hotels and fed food – all at taxpayer expense.  We all know how this works – a lib shows up at the hotel with a stack of ballots pre-filled out.  He or she (err, I should have said ‘they’) directs the illegals to sign, and the Dem signs the witness section, bada bing, bada boom, all done.  The Dem then shows up with a stack of ballots at the nearest dropbox and stuffs them in.  (My own relative witnessed instances of individuals walking into the polls with stacks of ballots to hand in, otherwise known as ballot harvesting, which is illegal.)

There’s less than 30 days left.  Get your friends and family to vote, vote, vote.  Now.


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