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Kamala Harris’s Bret Baier Interview Was a Dumpster Fire [VIDEO]

Kamala Harris was finally asked some tough questions, and she refused to answer almost all of them, repeatedly interrupting Fox News host Bret Baier when he tried to pin her down.

She showed up late to whittle down the time. Tried to filibuster through it all. And then four handlers frantically waved at Baier to make it stop.

The New York Times called the questions “Trump’s talking points.”

When did important questions like “When did you notice the president was totally out of it?” (in so many words) become a “Trump talking point” instead of just an obvious and important question to ask the sitting VP?

Answer: When it hurts the candidate the so-called “objective” media want to win.

That’s the key takeaway from the vice president’s trainwreck Fox News interview. Anchor Bret Baier asked her the kind of questions that Dana Bash and the ABC moderators didn’t ask. And she stubbornly – and, frankly, arrogantly – refused to answer almost all of them, talking over and interrupting Baier pretty much every time he tried to point that out.

Harris refused to give Baier any concession. She just kept filibustering. Her strategy was clear. Shift every question back to generic talking points and eat up the 25-minute interview. His strategy was clear: If she doesn’t answer the question, insist on it.

They both talked over each other through the majority of the interview as a result, as they battled for control. She tried to switch every pointed question back to generic talking points about affordable housing (and the like) or attacks on former President Donald Trump.

The New York Times focused on Bret Baier interrupting Harris, of course, even raising the question of whether it was sexist. No, that’s called trying to get the interview subject to answer the damn question. Maybe they should try it some time.

Liberals thought she sounded tough. Frankly, we know people who, after watching the interview, said they hope Harris loses just so they don’t have to listen to her annoying, hectoring voice for another four years. They thought she was obnoxious.

Baier pointed out that Harris has been in office for 3.5 years, to which she responded by referring to Trump constantly running. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Baier said at another point.

Here are the four takeaways:

1. Kamala Harris really doesn’t want to answer any questions – and we mean never.

Right out of the gate, Harris dodged Baier’s question about how many illegal immigrants she and Biden let into the country. She started babbling about a broken immigration system without ever conceding that she and Biden helped break it.

It was downhill from there.

It went something like this (paraphrases here to make the point)

When did Harris first have concerns about Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities?

Trump is dangerous!

Why did your administration change the stay in Mexico policy?

Trump opposed the border bill!

But that policy – and deaths as a result of it – came before the border bill.

Trump opposed the border bill!

Will you apologize to the families of women murdered by illegal immigrants?

I can’t imagine their pain. Did you know Trump opposed the border bill?

2. Kamala Harris gaslights about turning a page on nasty rhetoric but sure does call Trump a lot of names.

Baier confronted Harris with her own campaign slogan and asked her what she wants to turn the page from especially since she’s been in office the last 3.5 years.

Good question. Shocking no one has asked before.

Harris said Americans want to turn a page because they are sick of Trump’s divisive rhetoric and then proceeded to call Trump names.

She said he was dangerous, unfit, unstable, etc.

It’s astonishing how Democrats gaslight people, often in the same sentence. They see nothing incongruent with saying things like, in so many words, “We need to turn the page on divisive language because Trump is so dangerous, unstable and unfit.”

3. She has a new stock answer to avoid taking a stand on controversial issues.

Harris’s stock answer was “I will follow the law,” and she just kept repeating it. To any viewer, this was an obvious dodge. Why are Democrats the ones who try to hide their policies at election times?

Baier asked her about her past support for allowing immigrants to have driver’s licenses, free tuition, and free healthcare. Does she still support that?

“I would follow the law.”

Are you still in favor of taxpayer-funded sex changes for inmates?

I will follow the law! Plus, Donald Trump really sucks (she didn’t use that word but that was the gist)!

Baier said no such surgeries occurred during Trump’s administration.

3. Harris could not articulate any policy differences with Joe Biden.

Asked how Harris would be different from Biden when she said she didn’t disagree with anything he did on “The View” recently, she basically said she’s just not Joe Biden.

She’s younger then him. And has fresh ideas! (That she didn’t articulate specifically.)

And she’s just not him.

Which, of course, dodges the question, again, of how her POLICIES and IDEOLOGY differ.

Because they don’t and she doesn’t want voters to notice.

On The View, she was clear on that. “There is not a thing that comes to mind and I’ve been a part of most of the decisions that had impact,” she said then.

She’s extremely generic on everything- even the economy.

4. Harris won’t take responsibility for her administration’s own disastrous policy decisions on illegal immigration.

Did we mention? It’s all about that border bill that would have allowed a lot of migrants into the country – Baier said 1.8 million per year.

Asked about the deaths of Laken Riley and two other young women at the hands of illegal immigrants, Harris spoke about the border bill (again) but admitted they were deaths that “should not have occurred.” Baier pointed out that the tragedies were driven by a “policy earlier in your administration.”

The American public deserve straight answers to important questions.

She didn’t give them.

At least we didn’t have to listen to endless questions on abortion and climate change.

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