Some area artists took advantage of boarded up windows as canvases in downtown Kenosha, Wisconsin, to create art and spread a message of love, hope, and healing. Downtown businesses in Kenosha covered their windows and doors with sheets of wood to avoid damages to window and entry to their businesses last week. These pictures were taken on Tuesday, Sept. 1, the same day President Trump visited Kenosha.
We interviewed one artist, Josh Roy, who stated that he spontaneously came down from Milwaukee to paint a mural after seeing a story on television. He was in the process of painting a butterfly.
See the Kenosha murals below.
Kenosha Murals
The rioting was in response to the police shooting of Jacob Blake when people openly defied criminal laws, burning and destroying vehicles, setting major arson fires, and smashing windows. That all culminated in a shooting that left two dead. That was followed by several days of peaceful protests and marches, and the murals started popping up all over the city.
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