President Trump is engaging in a high-stakes tariff war with Canada, Mexico, and China, with the stated goal of, in part, stemming the flow of fentanyl and other illegal narcotics over the border.
That got us wondering: What is local human cost from fentanyl and other illegal narcotics?
Through public records, we requested the list of 2024 overdose deaths from the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office.
There are 444 names on that list. In 2024, there were more than 5,000 non-fatal overdoses in Milwaukee County. Not all died of fentanyl, but for more than half it was a contributor. Fentanyl is mentioned in more than 235 cases. In many cases, people died of a cocktail of different drugs. Cocaine, opioids, alcohol, and prescription drugs also made an appearance, often in combination with each other.
Each represented a human life that mattered. Later in this story, we present each cause of death. We have removed the names out of respect to the families since it’s impossible to reach them all.
A Marine Corps veteran and retired facility operating engineer was on the list. He “…enjoyed fishing, working on automobiles and home projects. He was lighthearted and loved to make people laugh and have a good time. He loved the special time with his family, his daughter, and his dog… who never left his side,” his obituary says.
Another man on the list was a 41-year-old father of five who was born in Puerto Rico. “His very funny and outgoing personality is going to be missed,” reads his obit. “Our sweet, beautiful, feisty daughter… has left this earth and is on another journey. I can only pray she was met with open arms and happy hearts in heaven because we feel so lost here on earth,” reads the obituary of a 26-year-old woman on the list.
Overdose deaths are decreasing. The 444 figure is down significantly from 657 in 2023, 656 in 2022, and 623 in 2021. (Note: the charts in this story are through 2023).
However, the costs are staggering nonetheless. Since 2015, more than 4,597 people lost their lives in Milwaukee County due to drug overdoses, according to Milwaukee County data. Since 2018, there have been more than 33,000 nonfatal overdoses in the county.
According to the White House, “43 pounds of fentanyl were seized at the northern border last fiscal year, enough to kill 9.8 million Americans. This represents a massive 2050% increase from FY 2023…There is also a growing presence of Mexican cartels operating fentanyl and nitazene synthesis labs in Canada.”
The White House wrote that Trump is taking decisive action to hold Mexico, Canada, and China accountable for their promises of ending illegal immigration and stopping the flow of deadly fentanyl and other drugs into our country.
Statewide in Wisconsin, fentanyl deaths rose in the 2020s. “Synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, were identified in 91 percent of opioid overdose deaths and 73 percent of all drug overdose deaths. Provisional data shows the number of fentanyl overdose deaths in Wisconsin grew by 97 percent from 2019 (651) to 2021 (1,280),” reads the state website’s public health advisory.
Milwaukee County Overdose Deaths
The average age of a person who died from a drug overdose in Milwaukee County was 49.
“Had a passion for evangelizing to the homeless, addicts, and all those in need of a relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ,” the obituary for a 31-year-old man on the list leads reads.
“He was our humorous, storytelling Mr. Fix-It, always ready with a laugh, a long-winded tale, or a handy solution,” reads the obituary for one 59-year-old man on the list.
“A zest for life that would light up any room. He loved playing pool with his Pops and relished the competitiveness it brought. Whenever he had the chance, he would escape to the great outdoors and go camping with his family, creating treasured memories that will forever be held dear,” says the obit for another man.
“As the days pass I find myself missing you more than I ever imagined. No matter how busy or how much I have to do you are always on my mind! ❤” a loved one wrote about a 33-year-old man.
The youngest were a 21-year-old college student and an IT worker. Both took their own lives. The oldest was a 79-year-old man who died of acute cocaine toxicity. Eleven of the 444 were suicides. Three were undetermined and the rest are labeled accidental overdoses. 187 were black; 198 white; 2 Asian; 50 Hispanic; 2 Eastern Indian and 2 Native American. The others are unknown. More than 360 were from the City of Milwaukee. West Allis was next with 18 deaths, and then Oak Creek and South Milwaukee, with 8 each.
“A kind soul and a talented artist,” reads the obit for a 35-year-old man on the list.
Milwaukee County Drug Overdose Deaths 2024: Cause of Death
These are the causes of death listed for each overdose death.
Complications of acute mixed drug (cocaine, fentanyl, and methamphetamine) toxicity
Acute mixed ethanol and fentanyl toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Heroin, Cocaine, Xylazine, Tramadol, Metonitazene) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Heroin, and Xylazine)
Acute Cocaine Intoxication
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Xylazine and Cocaine)
Acute mixed drug (amphetamine and cocaine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, xylazine, mirtazapine, buprenorphine, trazodone, pregabalin, and clonazepam) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (cocaine, fentanyl, acetyl fentanyl, heroin, xylazine, fluoxetine, and tramadol) Intoxication
Hemopericardium due to ruptured aortic dissection
Complications of Probable Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl and Amphetamines)
Complications of Probable Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Amphetamines, Cocaine and Possible Fentanyl)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Buprenorphine)
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Xylazine, Morphine, Fluorofentanyl, Cocaine, and Ethanol)
Acute mixed drug (bromazolam, brorphine, fentanyl, heroin, metonitazene, and xylazine) toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, methadone, xylazine, oxycodone, nordiazepam, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Cocaine Toxicity
Acute Cocaine Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, ethanol, cocaine) toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Cocaine, Xylazine and Fluoxetine)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl and Cocaine)
Complications of Probable Acute Mixed Drug (Opiates, Fentanyl and Cocaine) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, oxycodone, methadone, diazepam, trazodone, fluoxetine, and cyclobenzaprine) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (cocaine and fentanyl) Intoxication
Acute cocaine intoxication
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Morphine, Cocaine, Amphetamine and Ethanol)
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Xylazine, Heroin, 8-aminoclonazolam and Cocaine)
Acute Mixed Drug (Acetaminophen, Amphetamine, Aripiprazole, Bupropion, Citalopram/Escitalopram, and Phenylpropanolamine) Toxicity
Complications of Probable Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine and Fentanyl) Intoxication
Anoxic Brain Injury
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Cocaine, Xylazine, Gabapentin and Trazodone) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Gabapentin, and Heroin) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Ethanol, Fentanyl, and Xylazine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fluorofentanyl, Fentanyl, Heroin, Metonitazene, Bromazolam and Cocaine) Toxicity
Hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage
Complications of Probable Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl and Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute Cocaine Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Gabapentin) Intoxication
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Heroin, Amphetamine, and Alprazolam)
Acute mixed ethanol and drug (fentanyl, heroin, and xylazine) toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, morphine, xylazine, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Ketamine, Norbuprenorphine, and 8-aminoclonazolam) Toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Cocaine, Ethanol, and Gabapentin)
Acute mixed drug (cocaine and fentanyl) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Cocaine, Trazodone, Alprazolam, and Morphine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Heroin, Xylazine, Gabapentin, Trazodone, Ethanol) Intoxication
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Heroin, Oxycodone and Gabapentin)
Acute Combined Drug (ethanol and cocaine) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (ethanol, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, xylazine, and probable heroin) Intoxication
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, probable heroin, xylazine, buprenorphine, gabapentin, cocaine, methamphetamine) toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Ethanol and Fentanyl)
Acute fentanyl and cocaine toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl and Clonazepam)
Acute cocaine and fentanyl toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Heroin, Cocaine, Bromazolam, Alprazolam, Diazepam, Buprenorphine, and Gabapentin)
Acute mixed drug (alprazolam, fentanyl, heroin, hydrocodone, and oxycodone) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine and Fentanyl) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, xylazine, cocaine) toxicity
Acute fentanyl and cocaine toxicity
Acute Drug (Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, morphine, xylazine, trazodone, ethanol, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (cocaine and fentanyl) Intoxication
Atherosclerotic and hypertensive cardiovascular disease
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Xylazine, Cocaine and Alprazolam)
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Ethanol) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, gabapentin, heroin, hydrocodone, and xylazine) toxicity
Acute Cocaine Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Methadone, Gabapentin) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, xylazine, and ethanol) Intoxication
Acute cocaine intoxication
Acute mixed drug (cocaine, oxycodone, morphine, ethanol) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, acetylfentanyl, xylazine, cocaine) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, cocaine) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (methamphetamine, cocaine, ethanol) toxicity
Complications of acute fentanyl and cocaine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Bromazolam, Ethanol, and O-Desmethyltramadol) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, and Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, and Trazodone)
Acute mixed ethanol and drug (fentanyl and heroin) toxicity
Acute mixed ethanol and drug (fentanyl, heroin, and xylazine) toxicity
Acute Fentanyl Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Amitriptyline, Cocaine, Diphenhydramine, Ethanol, Fentanyl, Gabapentin, Morphine, Trazodone, and Xylazine) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, morphine, gabapentin, zolpidem, diazepam, trazodone, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Carfentanil, Heroin, Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, Amphetamine, and Cocaine)
Acute fentanyl intoxication
Complications of Acute Drug (Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute Drug (Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl and Oxycodone) Toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Xylazine, Morphine and Methadone)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, and Xylazine)
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, heroin, trazodone, ethanol, cocaine) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine and fentanyl) toxicity
Complications of Probable Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Opiates)
Acute Cocaine Toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Heroin and Cocaine)
Acute Cocaine Toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl and Cocaine)
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, tramadol, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Drug Toxicity (Methamphetamine)
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl and Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute Fentanyl Toxicity
Intracerebral (brainstem) hemorrhage
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, heroin, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Heroin, Fentanyl and Xylazine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (ethanol, cocaine, fentanyl, and methamphetamine) Intoxication
Mixed Drug Toxicity (fentanyl and cocaine)
Acute mixed ethanol and drug (cocaine, diazepam, diphenhydramine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, tramadol, and xylazine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Diazepam, and Trazodone)
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Fentanyl and Xylazine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Ethanol, Fentanyl and Fluorofentanyl)
Mixed Drug Toxicity ( Fentanyl and Cocaine )
Acute Mixed Drug (Citalopram/Escitalopram, Cyclobenzaprine, Cetirizine/Levocetirizine, Loperamide, Oxycodone, Trazodone, Olanzapine, and Hydroxyzine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Heroin, and Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute Cocaine Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl and fluorofentanyl) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Diazepam, and Temazepam) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl and fluorofentanyl) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Fentanyl)
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, heroin, clonazolam, diazepam) toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (fentanyl, cocaine, buprenorphine and gabapentin)
Acute Mixed Drug (Fluorofentanyl, Fentanyl, Cocaine and Gabapentin) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Xylazine, and Clonazepam)
Acute Mixed Drug (Clonazolam, Brorphine, Cocaine, Diphenhydramine, Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Metonitazene, Morphine, and Tramadol) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Methamphetamine and Phenylpropanolamine) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, carfentanil, tramadol, cocaine) toxicity
Complications of acute cocaine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (fentanyl and bromazolam) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (cocaine, fentanyl, and fluorofentanyl) Intoxication
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute mixed ethanol and drug (gabapentin and trazodone) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, and heroin) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Heroin, Fluorofentanyl, Fentanyl, Methadone, Bromazolam, Alprazolam, Diphenhydramine, and Gabapentin) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, and Heroin)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Heroin, Xylazine, and Diphenhydramine)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Fentanyl)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Methadone, Fluorofentanyl, Bromazolam, and Metonitazene)
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, trazodone, xylazine, cocaine) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, heroin, clonazepam, cocaine) toxicity
Ruptured myocardial infarct
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Morphine, Xylazine, Trazodone, Metonitazene, Brorphine, and Clonazolam)
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, xylazine, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Methamphetamine, and Ethanol) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Fentanyl)
Acute mixed drug (fentnayl, oxycodone, diazepam) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine, ethanol, carfentanil) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Carfentanil, Cocaine, Ethanol, and Buprenorphine)
Anoxic Brain Injury
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Amphetamine)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Ethanol and Amphetamine)
Pontine hemorrhage
Acute Mixed Drug (Hydrocodone and Zolpidem) Toxicity
Acute myocardial infarct
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Ethanol, Fentanyl and Xylazine)
Complications of Probable Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl and Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (ethanol, fentanyl, and methamphetamine) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, methamphetamine, and probable heroin) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, and heroin) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (ethanol, cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, acetylfentanyl, and heroin) Intoxication
Acute mixed drug (gabapentin, clonazepam, methadone) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Gabapentin, and Venlafaxine)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, and Fluorofentanyl)
Ruptured acute myocardial infarct
Acute mixed ethanol and drug (cocaine, fentanyl, and fluorofentanyl) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, heroin, xylazine, cocaine) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, acetylfentanyl, cocaine) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, trazodone, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Heroin, and Methamphetamine)
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Cocaine, Oxycodone, Morphine, and Alprazolam) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, trazodone, ethanol, cocaine, methamphetamine) toxicity
Right coronary artery thrombus
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl and Cocaine)
Complications of Acute Cocaine Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Cocaine, and Methamphetamine) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (carfentanil, cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, and morphine) toxicity
Acute mixed ethanol and drug (alprazolam, cocaine, and fentanyl) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, and Fluorofentanyl)
Complications of Acute Drug (Acetaminophen) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine, fentanyl, methamphetamine, and xylazine) toxicity
Acute Mirtazapine Toxicity
Complications of Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Methamphetamine, and Xylazine)
Acute mixed drug (acetylfentanyl, cocaine, fentanyl, and heroin) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Ethanol and Alprazolam)
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Xylazine and Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute methamphetamine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (cocaine, alprazolam, and diazepam) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Carfentanil, and Amphetamine)
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Cocaine, Morphine, Xylazine, and Ethanol) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, xylazine, gabapentin, ethanol, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Cocaine, Morphine, and Ethanol) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine, carfentanil, trazodone) toxicity
Complications of Acute Mixed Drug (Fluorofentanyl, Fentanyl, Xylazine, Morphine, Hydrocodone and Dihydrocodeine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Carfentanil, Fentanyl, and Fluorofentanyl)
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Oxycodone, Cyclobenzaprine, and Loperamide) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Morphine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (fentanyl, cocaine, and xylazine) Intoxication
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, oxycodone, xylazine, ethanol, cocaine) toxicity
Acute fentanyl and cocaine toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, methamphetamine, and xylazine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl and Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute cocaine, methamphetamine, and ethanol toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Heroin, Oxycodone, and Xylazine)
Acute mixed drug (carfentanil, cocaine, and fentanyl) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Heroin and Cocaine)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl and Oxycodone)
Acute acetaminophen and lamotrigine toxicity
Acute fentanyl and ethanol toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Morphine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Bromazolam)
Complications of Probable Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl and Cocaine) Toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Methamphetamine)
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Cocaine, Oxycodone, Xylazine, Ethanol, and Diphenhydramine) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine and fentanyl) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Fentanyl)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl and Xylazine)
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl and hydrocodone) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Heroin, and Xylazine)
Anoxic Encephalopathy
Acute mixed ethanol and drug (alprazolam, bromazolam, and oxycodone) toxicity
Anoxic Brain Injury
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Ethanol)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Heroin and Xylazine)
Acute mixed ethanol and drug (fentanyl and fluorofentanyl) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (bromazolam, cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamine) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (alprazolam and oxycodone) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine and fentanyl) toxicity
acute cocaine intoxication
Acute Tetrahydrozoline and Carbon Monoxide Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, methamphetamine, and xylazine) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroine, oxycodone, and xylazine) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, and Ketamine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Oxycodone, Cyclobenzaprine, and Pregabalin) Toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Oxycodone, Trazodone, Gabapentin and Clonazepam)
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Cocaine, Ethanol, Diazepam, and Cyclobenzaprine)
Acute mixed drug (diazepam, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA), oxycodone, and pseudoephedrine) toxicity
Complications of mixed drug (cocaine, fentanyl, ethanol) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine and fentanyl) toxicity
Mixed drug (fentanyl, cocaine) toxicty
Acute mixed drug (cocaine and fentanyl) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Ethanol)
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, heroin, lorazepam, trazodone, xylazine, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Cocaine Toxicity
Acute Nitrates/Nitrites Toxicity
Acute Cocaine Toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Morphine and Fluorofentanyl)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Ethanol, Fluoxetine and Gabapentin)
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl and Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Cocaine, Bromazolam, and Gabapentin) Toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, heroin, cocaine) toxicity
Acute cocaine, fentanyl, and oxycodone toxicity
Mixed drug toxicity (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, cocaine, heroin & methamphetamine)
Acute fentanyl and cocaine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Cocaine, Methamphetamine and Alprazolam) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Ethanol and Fentanyl)
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Acute mixed drug (cocaine, fentanyl, and methamphetamine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Amphetamine, Fluoxetine, Gabapentin, and Clonazepam) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Oxycodone, Alprazolam, and Clobazam)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Heroin, Fluorofentanyl, Butonitazene, Isotonitazene, Metonitazene, Brorphine, Xylazine, and Diphenhydramine)
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, xylazine) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine and fentanyl) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl and Heroin)
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Morphine, Metonitazine and Cocaine)
Acute myocardial infarction
Acute Mixed Drug (ethanol, fentanyl, xylazine, and heroin) Intoxication
Complications of probable acute drug (cocaine and fentanyl) toxicity
Acute cocaine and fentanyl toxicity
Acute cocaine, cocaethylene, and fentanyl toxicity
Complications of acute mixed drug (cocaine and fentanyl) toxicity
Acute cocaine, fentanyl, and xylazine toxicity
Complications of Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Morphine, and Xylazine)
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Xylazine, Acetylfentanyl, and Ethanol) Toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl and Cocaine)
Acute Intracerebellar Hemorrhage
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Ethanol and Buprenorphine)
Pneumonia and right empyema
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute cocaine, fentanyl, and xylazine toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, acetylfentanyl, ethanol, cocaine) toxicity
Complications of Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Xylazine, and Heroin)
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Methadone and Ethanol)
Acute Mixed Drug (Methamphetamine, Acetylfentanyl, Fentanyl, Morphine, and Trazodone) and Ethanol Toxicity Douglass
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, acetylfentanyl, xylazine, cocaine) toxicity
Acute cocaine and difluoroethane toxicity
Acute Drug (Cocaine) Toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Xylazine, Acetylfentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Cocaine, and Diazepam)
Acute Drug (Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Acetylfentanyl, Cocaine, Ethanol, and Xylazine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Fluorofentanyl and Fentanyl) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Amitriptyline, Baclofen, Cyclobenzaprine, Diphenhydramine, and Oxycodone)
Acute cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, and xylazine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (oxycodone, diazepam, temazepam, and trazodone) Intoxication
Acute Mixed Drug (cocaine, ethanol, cocaethylene, fentanyl, and fulorofentanyl) Intoxication
Complications of probable cocaine toxicity
Acute Drug Toxicity (Cocaine)
Acute diazepam, fentanyl, and xylazine toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine, fentanyl, methamphetamine, and morphine) toxicity
Acute Drug Toxicity (Cocaine)
Acute Mixed Drug (Trazodone, Fluoxetine, Amphetamine, Clonazepam, and Doxepin) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Ethanol, Fentanyl, and Acetylfentanyl)
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Methamphetamine, and Heroin) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, acetylfentanyl, heroin, oxycodone, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Acetylfentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Fentanyl, Heroin, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Buprenorphine, Xylazine, Clonazepam, Tramadol, and Trazodone) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, acetylfentanyl, xylazine, cocaine, gabapentin) toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl and Fluorofentanyl)
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl and fluorofentanyl) toxicity
Acute Drug (Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, and Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Acetylfentanyl, Cocaine, Clonazepam, Hydrocodone, and Trazodone) Toxicity
Acute Drug (Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl and xylazine) toxicity
Acute acetylfentanyl, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, and methadone toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Ethanol and Methadone)
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Heroin, and Clonazolam)
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Cocaine, Ethanol, and Gabapentin) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine and fentanyl) toxicity
Ruptured aortic dissection
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Acetylfentanyl, Cocaine, Heroin, and Xylazine) Toxicity
Acute cocaine and cocaethylene toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, probable heroin, xylazine, cocaine) toxicity
Complications of acute fentanyl and cocaine toxicity
Acute Drug Toxicity (Cocaine)
Acute mixed drug (sertraline, diphenhydramine, ethanol) toxicity
Acute ethanol, hydrocodone, and oxycodone toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Cocaine, Alprazolam, and Fluoxetine) Toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, and xylazine) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine, fentanyl, and fluorofentanyl) toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Acetylfentanyl, and Cocaine)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Trazodone and Ethanol)
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, ethanol, cocaine) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (acetylfentanyl, cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, gabapentin, methamphetamine, morphine, oxycodone, and xylazine) toxicity
Acute mitragynine toxicity
Acute cocaine and ethanol toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Fluorofentanyl, Fentanyl and Buprenorphine) Toxicity
Intracerebral (right basal ganglia and brainstem) hemorrhage
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Acetylfentanyl, and Heroin)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Acetylfentanyl, Heroin, and Xylazine)
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, and tramadol) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, ethanol) toxicity
Acute Drug Toxicity (Cocaine)
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl and fluorofentanyl) toxicity
Acute mixed ethanol and drug (alprazolam, cocaine, diphenhydramine fentanyl, and phentermine) toxicity
Acute ethanol and cocaine toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, heroin, xylazine, ethanol, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Acetylfentanyl, Cocaine, Ethanol, Heroin, and Alprazolam) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Fentanyl)
Complications of cocaine toxicity
Delayed complications of acute cocaine and fentanyl toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Heroin, Cocaine, Tramadol, and Doxylamine) Toxicty
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Acetylfentanyl, and Flurofentanyl)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Heroin, Cyclobenzaprine, and Trazodone)
Acute Sodium Nitrate/Nitrite Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, ethanol, cocaine) toxicity
Acute fentanyl and fluorofentanyl toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Fentanyl)
Acute Cocaine Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Amitriptyline, Dextro/Levo Methorphan, Amlodipine, and Cocaine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Cocaine, and Methamphetamine) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, cocaine) toxicity
Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage
Acute acetylfentanyl, fentanyl, heroin, methadone, and methamphetamine toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, cocaine) toxicity
Acute acetylfentanyl, cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, methadone, methamphetamine, metonitazene, and tramadol toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, alprazolam, ethanol, cocaine) toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Fentanyl, Cocaine, Alprazolam, and Gabapentin) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, and Fluorofentanyl)
Acute acetylfentanyl, cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, fluoxetine, and gabapentin toxicity
Pontine hemorrhage
Acute alprazolam, buprenorphine, ethanol, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, tramadol, and xylazine toxicity
Acute cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, fluoxetine, heroin, and trazodone toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Xylazine, Heroin, cyclobenzaprine, and Methamphetamine)
Hypertensive cardiovascular disease
Acute mixed drug (alprazolam, bromazolam, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, and gabapentin) toxicity
Acute mixed ethanol and drug (alprazolam, gabapentin, temazepam, and trazodone) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (acetylfentanyl, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, and xylazine) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (acetylfentanyl, cocaine, fentanyl, and fluorofentanyl) toxicity
Acute cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, and trazodone toxicity
Acute acetylfentanyl, clonazepam, cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, gabapentin, heroin, methadone, methamphetamine, metonitazene, tramadol, and xylazine toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Morphine, and Trazodone)
Acute mixed ethanol and drug (cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamine) toxicity
Complications of Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl and Trazodone)
Acute mixed drug (cocaine, ethanol, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, xylazine) toxicity
Acute Drug Toxicity (Cocaine)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine and Methamphetamine)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Acetylfentanyl, Xylazine, Heroin, and Ethanol)
Hypertensive basal ganglia hemorrhage
Acute cocaine and ethanol toxicity
Acute Drug Toxicity (Cocaine)
Acute Drug Toxicity (Cocaine)
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Gabapentin, and Diphenhydramine) Toxicity
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Acute acetylfentanyl, buprenorphine, cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, and tramadol toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Hydrocodone, Gabapentin, and Tramadol)
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Acetylfentanyl, and Methamphetamine)
Complications of Ethylene Glycol Toxicity
Acute Cocaine Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, acetylfentanyl, fluorofentanyl, heroin, xylazine, cocaine) toxicity
Acute ethanol, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, and heroin toxicity
Acute fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, and trazodone toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Heroin, Acetylfentanyl, Bromazolam, Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Methamphetamine, Tramadol, Trazodone, and Xylazine) Toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine, fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, and xylazine) toxicity
Acute cocaine, fentanyl, and fluorofentanyl toxicity
Acute mixed drug (cocaine, fentanyl, and fluorofentanyl) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, alprazolam, xylazine, cocaine) toxicity
Complications of obesity
Atherosclerotic and hypertensive cardiovascular disease
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute fentanyl toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug (Cocaine, Fluorofentanyl, and Methamphetamine) Toxicity
Acute Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Isotonitazene, Bromazolam, Methadone, Xylazine, and Methamphetamine)
Acute alprazolam, cocaine, diphenhydramine, ethanol, mirtazapine, and oxycodone toxicity
Mixed Drug Toxicity (Fentanyl, Fluorofentanyl, Heroin, Cocaine, Clonazolam and Trazodone)
Acute fentanyl and fluorofentanyl toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, oxycodone) toxicity
Acute mixed drug (fentanyl, fluorofentanyl, acetyl fentanyl, cocaine) toxicity
Acute mypcardial infarction
Acute Mixed Drug (Heroin, Fentanyl, Acetylfentanyl, and Ethanol) Toxicity
Complications of probable acute cocaine toxicity
Acute cocaine toxicity
Acute methamphetamine toxicity
Acute respiratory failure
Acute myocardial infarction
Acute cocaine and ethanol toxicity
Table of Contents