Conservatives have a lot of reasons to be jubilant over the spring 2024 election night results.
You wouldn’t know it from the liberal media, which falsely proclaimed that President Donald Trump was a “loser” in Wisconsin on April 2. But that’s nonsense. The presidential primary tallies were just another reason – a big reason, of course – for conservatives and Republicans to be optimistic.
It’s about time. Things were downright gloomy for Wisconsin conservatives after the twin losses of the governor’s and state Supreme Court races, but, as they say, the pendulum always swings back. Since Democrats invariably overplay their hands at warp speed due to their disastrous policies, which prove unworkable in practice, that appears to be happening sooner rather than later.
Strong conservative candidates stepped up all over the state and defeated a barrage of liberal money. This took effort. The Young Republicans knocked on doors all over the state. The state GOP trained local candidates. Conservative think tanks put forth money.
Wisconsin Right Now published a statewide conservative voter guide, which received tens of thousands of views on election day. Conservative talk radio hosts from Meg Ellefson in Wausau to Dan O’Donnell in Milwaukee get the word out.
“Since September of last year, the RPW has hosted 29 Farm Team Trainings for prospective local candidates to learn the ins and outs of campaigning from campaign managers, strategists, and organizers,” the Wisconsin GOP wrote in a statement.
Huge congrats to YR endorsed candidates @EBrooksUncut, Kelly Pacsek and Anthony Zenobia on your DEMANDING win for the Waukesha School Board!
45k of Soros money, campaigning from @DrJillUnderly, and a full on blitz from the radical left wasn’t enough for grassroots conservatism!
— Wisconsin Young Republicans (@WIYRs) April 3, 2024
There were some blips. More school referendums passed than failed. “Preliminary (unofficial) results of last night’s election indicate that 57 of the 93 school referendums on the April 2 ballot were approved by voters of the districts where those questions were presented. That translates to a passage rate of slightly over 61 percent,” according to the Wisconsin Association of School Boards (of course, that also means a bunch of them failed, though). But that massive $252 million MPS referendum passed, barely; an analysis by a Marquette University research fellow showed white wards with fewer children pushed it through against the wishes of Black and Latino-majority wards.
Still, there were a lot of reasons for conservatives to be pleased on Tuesday.
Here are 5 major victories for Wisconsin conservatives on spring election night:
1. Zuckerbucks? No more
Goodbye, Zuckerbucks!
Wisconsin has voted YES on Questions 1 & 2.
Our Statement:
— Wisconsin GOP (@WisGOP) April 3, 2024
The two election integrity constitutional amendments both easily passed. That means private interference in Wisconsin elections is over, both in terms of funding and election administration activities that targeted liberal cities. The amendments clearly had bipartisan support from the electorate (passing with 58.6 and 54.4% of the vote).
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and his fellow legislative Republicans deserve credit for pushing these to the forefront after an Evers’ veto (he can’t veto this now). That’s true also of MacIver Institute and the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, which put their money behind it.
Zuckerberg is going to have to take his billions elsewhere. (Side note: Wisconsin Right Now was the first media outlet to break the story about the private interference in Green Bay’s elections.)
2. Biden is in peril, the results show
Forget the liberal media spin that the Wisconsin spring election was somehow bad for Trump. It wasn’t. Instead, it underscored President Joe Biden’s weakness. There’s a reason that Biden, come Monday, will have visited Wisconsin FOUR TIMES since December.
Here’s what we mean. When you add up ALL THE VOTES, there were fewer votes for Democrats.
Total votes in the Democratic presidential primary: 577,721 (Per AP.)
Total votes in the Republican presidential primary: 595,923 (Also per AP.)
Republican votes without uninstructed: 583,001
Democratic votes without uninstructed: 529,559
You see the peril for Biden. CNN noted that the uninstructed vote for Biden was twice the goal set by organizers and added, “In an election of small margins, any stress on either candidate’s base is cause for concern.”
Perilously for Biden, he registered a much higher total of “uninstructed votes” than Trump did (about 8.3% vs 2.1%), likely driven by anger over Gaza. As the pro-Gaza folks seem to regard this as a human rights imperative, it’s harder to imagine some of them switching back to Biden’s side in November than people who voted for, say, Ron DeSantis (and would presumably float back to Trump at least in many cases).
Even acknowledging the fact that some people may have crossed over to mess with the other side, the vote totals show an enthusiasm gap that doesn’t bode well for the increasingly addled Biden.
Some liberals tried to spin the election against Trump by pointing out that more than 100,000 people voted for someone else in the GOP primary. However, the fact is that a slew of Republican primary opponents – notably Nikki Haley and DeSantis – were still on the ballot even though they’ve already dropped out of the race. Biden just had to deal with Dean Phillips (also dropped out but still on the ballot).
We believe that many of those Republican presidential primary voters were casting protest votes because the primary was essentially meaningless, as Trump no longer has any Republican standing in his way from getting the nomination. Most will likely come home to Trump in November, we believe when the choice is binary: Trump vs. Biden. We tested this premise on our Facebook page, and while there were a few “Never Trumpers,” others confirmed this theory.
“I voted for DeSantis because he’s done a great job as Governor of Florida, and he’s pretty good at dealing with the media. Although I have my issues with Trump, I will vote for him in November. He’s 100 times better than Biden or any Dem,” wrote one man.
“I voted for Haley ‘in protest’ but will vote for Trump in Nov.,” wrote a woman.
In other words, there are some conservative and moderate voters who have issues with Trump but will choose him because they think Biden’s policies are worse when they don’t have the chance to pick Haley or DeSantis anymore.
That doesn’t mean that Trump doesn’t have some work to do when it comes to bringing those folks back into the fold.
However, there’s another looming Hindenburg-style disaster for the already weakening Biden campaign: Third-party candidates like RFK Jr., who, if he makes the Wisconsin ballot, may siphon more votes from Biden due to his more liberal running mate choice and Democratic history. And then there’s Jill Stein….
3. The more conservative candidate prevailed in 2 big mayoral races

Conservative mayors won some big races. Most notably, dropbox twerker Katie Rosenberg, the incumbent, lost the Wausau mayoral race. Katie Rosenberg was described by the liberal media as a “rising star in Democratic circles.” No more.
Our Northwoods YRs were out today knocking on doors for Doug Diny for Wausau Mayor.
We are bringing the message of conservatism directly to the door step of voters in northern Wisconsin!
— Wisconsin Young Republicans (@WIYRs) March 30, 2024
Army veteran Doug Diny won that race. He emphasized fiscal responsibility and refocusing Wausau government on core responsibilities, writing, “Mayor Rosenberg’s idealistic strategic plan, to ignore traditional services and replace them with unaffordable, intangible aspirations, has not served the city well. We now face crumbling, antiquated infrastructure, fleeing municipal employees, and a dire financial situation.”
“Wausau residents made it clear last night that they’ve had enough of the out of control spending, economic mismanagement, and Washington, D.C. ideology Mayor Katie Rosenberg brought to city government,” Northwoods Freedom Project president Chandler Swansen said. “The election of Doug Diny is a step in the right direction, but the job is not done. The Northwoods Freedom Project will continue its education and advocacy work to improve the quality of life and business environment for citizens in Wausau and across northern Wisconsin.”
Through education and advocacy efforts, the Northwoods Freedom Project “worked tirelessly and will continue to do so to make sure Wausau leadership represents what is important to residents, not what is important to the partisan political machine,” the group said in a news release.
.@WisGOP’s $50k given to Diny vs at least $190k from @WisDems to Katie is today’s latest testament to how bad the ROI is on Dem spending.
— Chris Olmstead (@ct_olmstead) April 3, 2024
“His stunning victory over incumbent Mayor Katie Rosenberg marks an unmistakable repudiation of failed Democrat policies and is a win for Central Wisconsin values,” Wisconsin GOP Chair Brian Schimming said in a statement.
That wasn’t the only big mayoral victory. Down in Kenosha, Alderman David Bogdala defeated former Kenosha Alderman Lydia Spottswood, for the mayor’s position. Democrats supported Spottswood in that race, according to CBS 58. The left tried to tie Bogdala to former Republican Gov. Scott Walker, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. Clearly, that backfired, which gives you a sense of the electorate’s mood, especially in former riot-torn Kenosha.
Bogdala ran on a pro-public safety platform and also enjoyed the support of the outgoing mayor. He wrote, “As your Mayoral candidate, I have three goals: Keep Kenosha safer by making public safety a priority. Make Kenosha more efficient by focusing on better technology and customer service. And make Kenosha stronger by investing in every neighborhood across our city.”
Keep Kenosha Safer. Has a nice ring to it.
4. Some Evers’ judges got tossed off the bench
.@hotgovernment1 loves democrats and got embarrassed.
Tony Evers appointee Toni Young has lost the race for Racine Co circuit court judge.
Welcome to the bench Jessica Lynott
— Shadow Governor Vos (@Robin_Vos_Stan) April 3, 2024
An underreported story is the pace at which Democratic Gov. Tony Evers has been stacking the Wisconsin judiciary with soft-on-crime squishy former public defenders and defense attorneys.
In Racine County, Tony Evers’ appointee Toni Young lost a judicial race to Jessica Lynott. Evers appointed Young to the bench last November. She was, you guessed it, a state public defender.
That’s not all.
Some BIG circuit court wins for conservatives not getting enough attention, including Evers judges going down in Racine and Kenosha. Major future potential for new Judges Jessica Lynott in Racine, Heather Iverson in Kenosha, and Estee Scholtz in Walworth.
— Stephan Thompson (@BattlegroundST) April 3, 2024
“Some BIG circuit court wins for conservatives not getting enough attention, including Evers judges going down in Racine and Kenosha. Major future potential for new Judges Jessica Lynott in Racine, Heather Iverson in Kenosha, and Estee Scholtz in Walworth,” wrote Stephan Thompson, a conservative strategist who helms a company involved in some of them.
5. A lot of great conservatives won school board & other local races
Once final push in Waukesha for our great conservative candidates running for School board; Eric Brooks, Kelly Piacsek, and Anthony Zenobia!
Make sure to get out and vote this Tuesday!
— Wisconsin Young Republicans (@WIYRs) March 30, 2024
A lot of great conservative candidates won school board and other local races throughout the state. Some were expected victories, like the talented conservative Josh Schoemann, winning again as Washington County Executive.
Congratulations to Jack Pitzo, @JoshSchoemann and @JdLeisemann on winning your elections this evening!
Your conservative leadership is unmatched in this state and we are excited to have you at the helm here in the Badger State!
— Wisconsin Young Republicans (@WIYRs) April 3, 2024
According to the Federalist, the Democrats spent big, especially on School Board races.
“The DPW targeted some 15 public school districts statewide, delivering hundreds of thousands of dollars in in-kind contributions to help elect leftist candidates,” the Federalist reported. In the Waukesha School District, the Democratic Party spent more than “$43,000 in in-kind contributions for Stephanie Fidlin and Angelique Byrne,” the site noted.
Guess what? They both finished dead last. Prevailing? Conservatives Kelly Piacsek, Eric Brooks, and Anthony Zenobia.
In Hartford, conservatives Nolan Jackett and Heather Barrie won school board seats; Stacy Riedel won a seat on the Hamilton Sussex School Board.
Congratulations to Nolan Jackett on your victory for the Hartford Union School Board!
With massive victories all across Wisconsin tonight, YRs have been leading the charge!
— Wisconsin Young Republicans (@WIYRs) April 3, 2024
Jennifer Grant and Travis Langer scored victories, meaning the Menomonee Falls School Board is 100 percent conservative. There are too many others to mention them all here. This is by no means an all-inclusive list.
Huge shoutout to YR Endorsed candidate Jennifer Grant on being re-elected to the Menomonee Falls School Board!
With her and Travis Langer winning tonight conservatives hold 100% of the seats in the Menomonee Falls School Board!
— Wisconsin Young Republicans (@WIYRs) April 3, 2024
The Wisconsin Young Republicans hit the grassroots.
Thank you to all of our members and volunteers who made last night such a huge success for conservative all across the State of Wisconsin!
Now, onto November! #YRsRun #YRsWin #YRNF #LeadRight
— Wisconsin Young Republicans (@WIYRs) April 3, 2024
According to WUWM, “Over the past three years, the Republican Party of Waukesha County and its WisRed campaign have helped elect conservative majorities to almost every school board in the county.”
Congratulations to our Greater Green Bay YR Treasurer @VanyaKoepke on being re-elected Village Trustee in Hobart tonight!
— Wisconsin Young Republicans (@WIYRs) April 3, 2024
Conservatives also prevailed in other local races – again, we won’t be able to list them all! Another example: Jeff Wiegand won a seat on the Dane County Board and an officer with the Young Republicans was elected as a trustee in Hobart.
In August of 2021 the YRs were proud to have helped Jeff Weigand on his historic write-in victory for Dane County Supervisor.
Today, we are excited to congratulate Jeff on being re-elected to the board to serve a full term! Huge win for conservatives in liberal Dane County!
— Wisconsin Young Republicans (@WIYRs) April 3, 2024
A Young Republican, Jacob Floam, also won a seat on the Oshkosh City Council.
Congratulations to YR @jacob_floam on his monumental victory for the Oshkosh City Council!
— Wisconsin Young Republicans (@WIYRs) April 3, 2024
We told you there was a lot for conservatives to feel happy about.
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