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HomeBreakingThe DNC's Horrible, Very Bad Week in Wisconsin & Elsewhere

The DNC’s Horrible, Very Bad Week in Wisconsin & Elsewhere


The Democratic National Committee has had a horrible, very bad week.

The DNC’s bad stretch started with a polarizing, angry Trump-obsessed speech by Kamala Harris that Democrats and the liberal media largely loved, but the days since then have been absolutely brutal. As they say, a month is a lifetime in politics. In the case of this insane election cycle, revise that to a day.

There’s evidence the dishonest media bubble propping up Harris is starting to burst – even a Washington Post columnist doesn’t like her Soviet-style price controls, the New York Times is taking shots at her (yes, “joy” is not a policy), and her flip-flopping has escalated to the point of ludicrousness (seriously, she’s for the border wall?) Axios is no conservative outlet, and even they wrote the story this way: “Harris flip-flops on building the border wall.”

The DNC might end up regretting its decision to prop up the exceptionally flawed Harris – who has to own the last four years of the Biden/HARRIS administration and who can’t handle an interview or even debate without notes  – instead of a young Democrat governor (from the south or Pennsylvania) who could have run against it.

Here’s how the DNC crashed and burned this week:

1. RFK Jr. Eviscerates the DNC

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the namesake son of the most famous Democrat family in U.S. history, absolutely eviscerated the DNC in a press conference in which he tossed his support to the Republican Party’s nominee, Donald Trump.

To truly understand how devastating Kennedy’s speech was, watch it all. Be forewarned that Kennedy has a voice disorder; if you prefer, here’s a written transcript.

He slammed the DNC as anti-democratic for engaging in lawfare to keep him off ballots, refusing to allow him to debate, engaging in a “palace coup” against President Joe Biden, and then anointing a candidate, Kamala Harris, who did not get a single vote and who is refusing to do a single interview.

The genius of the RFK Jr. speech is that in one fell swoop, he destroyed the Democrats’ lie that Trump is the threat to democracy by describing how the Democrats are threatening democracy.

Kennedy then cleverly positioned voting for Trump as a moral imperative for his followers who believe his cause of curing the childhood disease epidemic (he’s called it “Make America Healthy Again” or MAHA) is more important than tribal loyalties. In other words, he found a way to make it acceptable in their own minds for them to choose Trump.

In one fell swoop, a Kennedy no less, re-positioned the Democrat Party as the party of war, censorship, and big Pharma. And he re-positioned Trump as the candidate for kids.

Since some battleground states could turn on a sliver of the electorate, RFJ Jr.’s suppotr might throw the election to Trump. It’s true the liberal media predictably responded by rushing to destroy RFK Jr.’s not-perfect character, while not acknowledging the sobering reality outlined in his childhood disease statistics, but it’s more likely that a lot of his supporters will listen to HIM, not CNN.

He wants his voters in battleground states to now vote for Trump. Yes, his name is still on the Wisconsin ballot. However, we think his voters got the message.

2. The Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court Rejects DNC Lawfare Against the Green Party

Color us shocked, but the extremely partisan liberal hacks on the Wisconsin Supreme Court couldn’t even get on board with the DNC’s naked attempt to win the election by robbing voters of their chance to vote for the Green Party’s Jill Stein.

Then, the Wisconsin Election Commission voted 4-2 to put Stein on the ballot.

“This is a big win against the anti-Democratic Party’s war on democracy and voter choice,” Stein said in a statement Monday. “The Democrats constantly preach about ‘saving democracy,’ when in reality they’ve been doing everything they can to crush democracy by trying to remove the Green Party and others from the ballot.”

The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty outlined the insidiousness of the DNC’s efforts, which reinforced RFK Jr.’s point. The DNC petition “advances a new reading of Wis. Stat. § 8.18 that would effectively prevent any small or new party from getting on the presidential ballot,” WILL noted.

Remember that the Green Party was denied access to the Wisconsin ballot in 2020.

In 2016, the Green Party’s Jill Stein received 31,072 votes in Wisconsin. It arguably cost Hillary Clinton the State of Wisconsin because President Donald Trump won the state with fewer votes than that in 2016 (22,748 votes).

Do the math.

Stein’s appearance on the Wisconsin ballot also gives those RFK Jr. voters somewhere else to go than Harris if they still can’t stomach choosing Trump.

It was a decision that could determine the presidential election.

3. Former DNC Vice Chair Endorses Trump

On the heels of RFK Jr.’s support for Trump, former Democratic congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard announced she is endorsing Trump too.

Reminder: Not that long ago, Gabbard was vice chair of the DNC!

Democrats tried to counter all of this by touting former staffers for the Bushes, John McCain and Mitt Romney trashing Trump, but that just links Harris to the past and Bush’s wars.

“This administration has us facing multiple wars on multiple fronts in regions around the world and closer to the brink of nuclear war than we ever have been before,” Gabbard said.

“This is one of the main reasons why I’m committed to doing all that I can to send President Trump back to the White House, where he can once again serve us as our commander-in-chief. Because I am confident that his first task will be to do the work to walk us back from the brink of war,” she continued.

Gabbard said that voting for Trump is “saving our country and serving the people.”

4. Cornel West Placed on the Ballot in Michigan & Wisconsin

Independent presidential candidate Cornel West was placed back on the ballot in Michigan by a judge.

Then, the Wisconsin Election Commission voted to put West on the Wisconsin ballot too. An employee with the DNC had challenged West’s application to be on the ballot.

“Court of Claims Judge James Robert Redford wrote in a decision released Saturday that West’s campaign submitted the proper number of signatures to qualify for the ballot and that presidential candidates are not required to file affidavits of identity,” AP reported.

It seems clear that the leftist West would likely draw from Harris more than Trump.

“West, a leftist academic, progressive activist and long-shot presidential candidate, is at the center of multiple legal and political battles,” AP reported. “In Michigan, the state Democratic Party, Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and a voter backed by a Democratic-aligned political action committee had challenged West’s candidacy.”

5. Donald Trump Is Looking Like the President

Watch Donald Trump at the solemn ceremony remembering the deaths of the 13 brave American service members who were murdered in Afghanistan in the midst of President Biden’s disastrous, dangerous, haphazard withdrawal.

And ask yourself: Who looks like the president right now?

We don’t even need to say.

Meanwhile, Biden was sunning himself on a beach (do we even have a president right now?), and the DNC’s candidate was MIA.

Democrats tried to trash Trump for politicizing the ceremony, but why wouldn’t he show his respects if the families wanted him there? Even the White House admitted to the AP that the reason Trump was there was because the families INVITED HIM.

6. Donald Trump Is Leading in Most Battleground States

Electoral college maps

Real Clear Politics has Trump up in five of 7 battleground states, except Wisconsin and Michigan, where he’s down by only 1 and 2 percentage points respectively.

He’s leading in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia (where Trump just mended fences with GOP Governor Brian Kemp.)

And that’s BEFORE RFK Jr. spanked the DNC.

It’s true that Harris revived Democrats’ chances in the battlegrounds, but she’s leveled off in the past few days and hasn’t been able to beat Trump overall, RCP reports. In fact, RCP has a map showing that Trump can win the electoral college without winning Wisconsin or Michigan if he succeeds in the battleground states where he currently leads.

7. Job Numbers Are Revised – Downward

Biden debate
Joe biden at the debate.

The Biden administration ended up having to revise the nation’s job numbers down.

“They don’t mention the economy because the economy’s horrible,” Trump said to “FOX & Friends.”

“They defrauded the people of our country with the job numbers. You saw that? 818,000 fake jobs they put in the rolls.”

On Wednesday, Fox Business reported, “The Bureau of Labor Statistics revised down its total tally of jobs created in the year through March by 818,000 as part of its preliminary annual benchmark review of payroll data.”

This is an opinion piece.

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