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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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HomeBreakingThe Re-Invention of Kamala Harris

The Re-Invention of Kamala Harris [Up Against the Wall]


This is an opinion piece.

Yep, the re-invention of Kamala has begun. She’s border czar, err, no she’s not. She’s Biden’s partner in crime, err I mean, partner in governing the country and his policies, err, nope, ahh, she had nothing to do with Biden’s disastrous policies. Do you have whiplash yet?

I can’t wait to see how they straddle this fence – either she’s been Grandpa Joe’s partner in crime, so to speak, or, if not, then she didn’t do anything for four years and doesn’t have the experience to be president. Which is it? From their perspective, the lies don’t matter. Just keep repeating them because at least 36% of voters will believe it.

Don’t tell me it’s not flushing democracy down the toilet when the Dems bully their presumptive nominee – who got the votes – to exit the election, and, the same day, the party elites embrace Harris as their nominee when she didn’t get even one vote, not one. And the convention is not for another few weeks.

Speaking of lies and more lies. Here are a few interesting observations of stuff the leftists say.

1. Los Angeles Times reporter Jon Healey says, “It’s not secret Californians pay more than the rest of the country for many goods and services — gas, housing, food, you name it. That’s part of the high cost of living” there. Really? It ain’t magic – California didn’t just magically become more expensive. It’s expensive because of the high taxes, the over bearing regulations, and over reaching control by the left. California should cost less than many other states given its natural resources and moderate temperatures. But hey, the left doesn’t want you to know that.

2. The Crap Times had an article on the “Days getting longer as polar ice caps melt.” Seriously, some researcher in Zurich claims that if the ice caps melt, the water flows to the lower latitudes making the equator bulge. Huh? Apparently, some how they claim the weight of the earth slows the spin, but to make this assumption you also have to assume that the water from
melting glaciers flows not evenly, but instead flows towards the equator. That’s like saying the water in a bathtub is going to be higher on one end than the other end.

Oh, then there’s the time factor; they say that this movement of the water slows the earth and adds to the length of a day, by – wait for it – 0.3 to 1 millisecond to a day. Panic! OMG. The researcher says that the earth could slow by 2.6 milliseconds every century due to those evil humans. The reporter than says this is “making humans a bigger influence on our planetary motion than the moon.”

Hello, the moon changes the oceans’ tides by up to about 25 feet in northern climates like Maine. (Go see for yourself.) So, hello, dumbasses, explain how 2.6 milliseconds is more than 25 feet of seawater being pulled in and out every six hours by the tide. But of course, the researchers are in Switzerland, which is surrounded by land and has no ocean frontage, so maybe they just need to take a trip to Maine to find out more about the tides. (And these guys get paid for this…)

3. So the head of the Secret Service resigned. Thank God. Talk about incompetence. And by the way, no one is asking why the agents on the ground at Trump’s rally where he was shot continued to let Trump talk for about 3 minutes after the gunman was spotted on the roof. They should have stopped Trump from speaking and gotten him under cover until the coast was clear, but
they didn’t. And no one is talking about that.

4. I think it’s worth repeating that the NRA announced (in their American Hunter magazine) that they won a unanimous ruling (yes, even the liberal justices voted in favor of the NRA’s position) against the state of NY for the government’s attempt to destroy the organization by using the state’s financial “services” department to coerce businesses regulated by that department (banks and insurance companies) to stop doing business with the NRA. Folks, this is what we have coming at us if Harries wins this election; non-stop violations of our constitutional rights.

The real problem is that there is no punishment for government officials who violate our rights. They can attack conservatives and regular citizens relentlessly, suing, regulating, suppressing, and yet, even when they lose in court, they don’t suffer any consequences. It’s heads they win, tails we lose. We need Congress to pass a law (once Trump is in office) just like the open records law of Wisconsin (with one tweak) – so that when a government official violates the
Constitution that official (not the taxpayers) has to pay the legal fees of the party that has been harmed. Otherwise, there are no consequences, which means they can keep doing it, driving citizens broke trying to defend themselves in court for many years. Fortunately, the NRA had the resources to fight for us. Thank you NRA.

Wisconsin Right Now is a news organization focused on covering the news from a conservative point of view, in
particular on politics and policy issues through analysis and opinions, and is protected by the first amendment of the
United States constitution. WRN does not make endorsements of candidates or direct readers to vote for or against
any candidate or issue. On October 18 and November 23, 2023 Donald Trump tweeted out on Trump’s Truth Social
account T. Wall’s October 6th column on Trump’s property valuations. T. Wall has appeared on Fox News, Jesse
Waters Show on Fox, Newsmax, CBS, NBC, Spectrum News 1, USA Today,, YouTube, and numerous
Madison and Milwaukee news programs and local newspapers (Wisconsin State Journal, Capital Times, Middleton
Review, Middleton Times Tribune, and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and a dozen other Wisconsin papers) and
previously wrote a column for InBusiness magazine and the Middleton Times Tribune for five years each. T. Wall
holds a degree from the UW in economics and an M.S. in real estate analysis and valuation and his full time career is
as a real estate developer. Disclaimer: The opinions of the writer are not necessarily those of this publication or the

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