Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Milwaukee Press Club 'Excellence in Wisconsin Journalism' 2020 & 2021 Award Winners

Susan Crawford Made Excuses When Sex Offender Walked Free Due to Botched Appeal


Susan Crawford called the massive error in the Thomas Gogin sexual assault case a “simple miscalculation,” citing “faulty memories,” news reports from the time say.

Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Susan Crawford, then a supervisor in the state Department of Justice, made a series of excuses when her unit so badly bungled the state’s appeal of a convicted sex offender’s case that he was freed from prison, archival newspaper research shows. Her comments indicate that she tried to minimize the botched appeal.

“It’s unfortunate that a convicted rapist will now walk free because of the missed appeal deadline,” then-state Rep. Mark Gundrum, R-New Berlin, told the Associated Press in December 2001. That article calls Susan Crawford the “criminal appeals unit director” for then-Attorney General Jim Doyle.

Thomas gogin

She is now running for state Supreme Court and is widely regarded as a leftist Dane County Judge. The other candidate is former Republican AG Brad Schimel, a Waukesha County judge and former Waukesha County District Attorney. WRN has taken the lead in scrutinizing Crawford’s record because the corporate media don’t appear very interested in doing so; for example, as a judge, she released an accused child molester of a 5 year old girl on a signature bond and allowed him to live across from a school and to work out at Planet Fitness. He’s already free due to her light sentence. She also gave a slap on the wrist to another child molester from Middleton.

However, the Thomas Gogin case goes back further, to when Crawford worked for then-Attorney General James Doyle, in whose administration she would hold several roles.

Another attorney in the unit supervised by Crawford was accused of missing the key deadline, wrecking the state’s ability to appeal an appellate court’s order vacating the conviction of Thomas Gogin. We gave Crawford a chance to comment on this story through her campaign, but she did not respond.

Gogin was “released from prison because the state attorney general’s office missed an appeal deadline” in the high-profile case, confirmed an Associated Press article from the time. The botched deadline deeply upset the accuser. The Associated Press confirmed that Crawford supervised the appeals unit in the AG’s office at that time.

“Woman in rape case blasts AG,” the headline of a 2001 AP story reads. The AP story says the rape conviction “was dismissed because the state filed an appeal too late.”

Thomas gogin
Newspapers. Com

“He violated me in the worst possible way that a woman can be violated,” the accuser alleged, according to the Waukesha Freeman. Photos allegedly documented bruises on the woman’s arm, and she accused Gogin of holding a spur against her arm while raping her, the Freeman contended. He denied raping the women.

The state’s bungling of Gogin’s appeal sparked major controversy at the time. Then state Rep. John Townsend told the Fond du Lac Reporter that the attorney general showed “gross incompetence.” However, it’s Crawford who was quoted in multiple newspaper stories giving the excuses.

“Susan Crawford, director of the attorney general’s office, was quoted in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel as labeling the error as a ‘simple miscalculation,’ and citing ‘faulty memories,'” the Fond du Lac Reporter wrote. “She emphasized that justice will be achieved because the attorney general’s office will put whatever resources it has into retrying the case.”

Thomas gogin

But that never happened.

After the missed deadline resulted in Gogin’s release from prison, Gogin pleaded no contest to a reduced charge of felony third-degree sexual assault and was given probation and time served, according to the AP. That was in part out of concerns over putting the accuser through a second trial, news reports from the time say.

Three days after attorney Kathleen Ptacek filed the appeal late (she made the error), supervisor Crawford defended her, according to an Aug. 23, 2001, article in The Capital Times. That story called Crawford “director of the Justice Department’s criminal appeals unit,” and quoted her as saying, “This appears to have been the result of just a simple miscalculation, human error.” She called the lawyer involved “conscientious” and said the lawyer did “her level best.”

The prosecutor, Assistant DA Debra Blasius called the late filing “inexcusable” to The Capital Times, saying, “I can’t even put into words how disappointed I am that the time limit was missed on something this important.”

Thomas gogin

In contrast, Doyle took responsibility. He released a statement saying: “Such mistakes are never excusable.”

“The victim and her family deserve more than my apology,” Doyle said in an AP article that quoted Susan Crawford, the “director of the Justice Department’s criminal appeals unit,” as saying “several staff members” had the appeals date wrong.

The state Department of Corrections subsequently moved to revoke Gogin’s probation after allegedly discovering he had a “firearm, knives, ammunition, and sexually explicit material in his Delafield home,” according to the 2002 AP article.

WRN found this story angle in newspaper archives while doing research on Crawford’s background. Although the newspaper stories quoted her as the unit director, WRN wanted to verify that she was in that supervisory role at the time the mistake was made.

Samantha Standley, DOJ spokesperson, responded to our questions, by saying, “Susan Crawford was employed by DOJ in August 1997, first as an Attorney. She was an Attorney Supervisor at DOJ from December 2000 to February 2003.” We asked which dates she headed the appeals unit specifically. Standley responded a few days later, “The records that old only provide us with the job classification title, not their assignment or working titles.”

The corporate media on the fact that a new ad by Schimel’s campaign on the case alters a photo of Crawford so she isn’t smiling because they thought she should look “ashamed,” according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and AP.

We held the story to continue verifying the supervision dates.

The Associated Press, in a story fixating on the photo, confirmed on February 4, “Crawford headed the division at the time.”

“What I remember about it is that there was (an) assistant attorney general who was assigned that case and prosecuted that case,” Crawford said to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “I was asked by the attorney general, Jim Doyle, at the time to conduct an investigation after that deadline was missed.” She said she investigated the case and “tightened up some procedures

The Botched Appeal

“The victim and Gogin knew each other through their mutual interest in horses and their participation in rodeo-type events,” court records for his appeal say.

“The victim alleged that she accepted Gogin’s invitation to return to his farm after one of these events and that Gogin forcibly restrained and sexually assaulted her Gogin claimed that he and the victim had consensual sexual relations. The jury convicted Gogin,” court records say.

The appellate court had ordered a new trial on the basis of alleged failures by Gogin’s lawyer. According to the Waukesha Freeman, in part, the attorney was accused of failing to bring in a witness who could testify that the accuser had flirted with Gogin and failing to present telephone records showing she allegedly spoke with Gogin on the phone for longer than she claimed. The state wanted to appeal the order to the state Supreme Court in order to keep Gogin behind bars and in the hope the higher court would uphold his conviction. The Supreme Court refused to consider the appeal because of the missed deadline.

According to the Waukesha Freeman, Gogin had originally been sentenced to 7 years in prison.

In a 2001 column in the Waukesha Freeman, Mark Belling wrote that “Doyle’s bungling has turned loose on the streets a man convicted by a jury of rape and false imprisonment.”

Susan Crawford’s Role in Doyle’s Office

Susan Crawford’s LinkedIn page says she was “chief legal counsel” in the office of Gov. Jim Doyle from August 2009 to January 2011.

She also lists that she was an assistant attorney general in the Wisconsin Department of Justice from August 1997 through January 2003.

Her website touts the fact she was “director of criminal appeals” under Doyle.

The appellate court ordered the new trial for Gogin in July 2001. Supreme Court records for the case show that Ptacek filed the petition for review on Aug. 20, 2001. Three days later, Crawford was quoted on the topic.

Doyle took action against the unit, including “providing written instructions to the appeals unit for calculating the deadlines for petitions for review” and “instructing that all due dates for such pending actions be recalculated.”

Republicans in the state Assembly wanted Doyle to order his appeals unit to file appeals with more of a buffer before deadlines.

As a result of the Gogin case bungling, Crawford told the AP the Justice Department was implementing “new procedures that give the agency’s criminal appeals staff 10 days to make a decision on whether to ask the Supreme Court to review a case.”

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$128 Million in Federal Grants Spent on Gender Ideology

More than $128 million of federal taxpayer money was spent on at least 341 grants to fund gender ideology initiatives under the Biden administration, according to an analysis of federal data by the American Principles Project.

In, “Funding Insanity: Federal Spending on Gender Ideology under Biden-Harris,” APP says it “found how the federal government has been spending hundreds of millions of YOUR MONEY on the Gender Industrial Complex!”

APP says it identified the grants by searching the USA Spending database. The data, which is available for free, is categorized by federal agency; notable grants are highlighted.

The U.S. Health and Human Services Department awarded the greatest amount of funding totaling nearly $84 million through 60 grants.

The Department of State awarded the greatest number of grants, 209, totaling more than $14 million, according to the data.

Other agencies awarding taxpayer-funded gender ideology grants include:

U.S. Agency for International Development, nearly $18 million through 8 grants;National Endowment for the Humanities, more than $2.6 million through 20 grants;Department of Justice, $1.9 million through three grants;Institute of Museum and Library Services, $1.87 million through 13 grants;Department of Education, $1.67 million through two grants;Department of Agriculture, $1.6 million through five grants;Department of the Interior, more than 1,000,000 awarded through two grants;U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, more than $548,000 through 4 grants;Inter-American Foundation, more than $490,000 through two grants;National Endowment for the Arts, $262,000 through 13 grants.

APP also identified 63 federal agency contracts totaling more than $46 million that promote gender ideology. They include total obligated amounts and the number of contracts per agency.

The majority, $31 million, was awarded through USAID. The next greatest amount of $4.4 million was awarded through the Department of Defense.

The Trump administration has taken several approaches to gut USAID, which has been met with litigation. The Department of Defense and other agencies are also under pressure to cut funding and reduce redundancies.

Notable grants include:

$3.9 million to Key Populations Consortium Uganda for promoting “the safety, agency, well-being and the livelihoods of LGBTQI+ in Uganda;”$3.5 million to Outright International for “the Alliance for Global Equality and its mission to promote LGBTQI+ people in priority countries around the world;”$2.4 million to the International Rescue Committee for “inclusive consideration of sexual orientation, gender identity, and sexual characteristics in humanitarian assistance;”$1.9 million to the American Bar Association to “shield the LGBTQI+ population in the Western Balkans;”$1.4 million for “economic empowerment of and opportunity for LGBTQI+ people in Serbia;”$1.49 million to Equality for All Foundation, Jamaica to “Strengthen community support structures to upscale LGBT rights advocacy;”More than $1 million to Bandhu Social Welfare Society to support gender diverse people in Bangladesh.

One of the grants identified by APP, which has since been cancelled, was $600,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to Southern University Agricultural & Mechanical College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to study menstruation and menopause, including in biological men.

According to a description of the grant summary, funding would support research, extension, and teaching to address “growing concerns and issues surrounding menstruation, including the potential health risks posed to users of synthetic feminine hygiene products (FHP);” advancing research in the development of FHP that use natural materials and providing menstrual hygiene management; producing sustainable feminine hygiene sanitary products using natural fibers; providing a local fiber processing center for fiber growers in Louisiana, among others.

It states that menstruation begins in girls at roughly age 12 and ends with menopause at roughly age 51. “A woman will have a monthly menstrual cycle for about 40 years of her life averaging to about 450 periods over the course of her lifetime,” but adds: “It is also important to recognize that transgender men and people with masculine gender identities, intersex and non-binary persons may also menstruate.”

All federal funding was allocated to state agencies through the approval of Congress when it voted to pass continuing resolutions to fund the federal government and approved agency budgets.

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Audit: Wisconsin Voting Machines Has Zero Errors in 2024 Election

(The Center Square) – An audit of Wisconsin’s 2024 general election found no errors from its electronic voting system.

The audit included a review of 327,230 ballots statewide, around 10% of the total votes, that were counted by hand to ensure the electronic system had accurately counted the votes.

Previous audits included counting 145,000 ballots from the 2020 election and 222,075 from 2022.

The audit began immediately after the 2024 election.

“The municipal clerks, county clerks, election inspectors, and volunteers who completed these audits should be commended for their work and for their continued dedication to secure and accurate elections,” said WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe.

The audit concluded that there were no issues in the ballot counting.

“They found no election equipment changed votes from one candidate to another, incorrectly tabulated votes, or altered the outcome of any audited contest,” the audit said. “Additionally, there was no evidence of programming errors, unauthorized alterations or hacking of voting equipment software, or malfunctions of voting equipment that altered the outcome of any races on the ballot.”

The audit found that there were five errors on the machines that had to be corrected throughout the state with three creases and a tear near an oval in Franklin being read as overvotes along with one smudge apiece in Antigo and Mukwonago leading to an error for an overvote.

“In total, 593 human errors were recorded in the administration of the 2024 post-election voting equipment audit,” the audit said. “While human factors may not be relevant to the federal definition of an error, they still inform the WEC of opportunities for improvement through additional training, procedural changes, or other actions.”

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WATCH: Trump Says Men Will No Longer Be Able to Play in Women’s Sports

President Donald Trump Tuesday night told the story of a young woman who was severely injured by a transgender male athlete when he hit a volleyball into her face so hard it caused brain damage.

The young girl, Payton McNabb, was present as Trump’s guest at his address to a joint session of Congress.

“Payton, from now on schools will kick the men off the girls team or they will lose all federal funding,” Trump said, calling his policies a “common sense revolution.”

Watch below:


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National Sheriffs Association Says About 700,000 ICE Arrest Warrants Nationwide

State and local law enforcement are being put in harm's way with Illinois’ migrant sanctuary policies, the Illinois Sheriffs Association says.

Association Executive Director Jim Kaitschuk said the National Sheriffs Association put out a note to their state partners that there are 700,000 Immigration and Customs Enforcement administrative arrest warrants that are active. But, that doesn’t matter in Illinois.

“Illinois law enforcement is precluded and prohibited from participating in any activity that is solely related to civil enforcement,” Kaitschuk told The Center Square.

Illinois law, through the TRUST Act and The Way Forward Act, prohibits state and local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration officials if a civil detention order is the only thing ICE has against someone.

While Kaitschuk said they can cooperate when there are criminal orders, law enforcement not being able to cooperate with civil warrants can still cause security concerns.

“Unfortunately things do go wrong, right, and then we’re in a situation where you may not know anything about what’s occurring,” Kaitschuk said. “So, we’re kind of blind in those cases.”

Daily immigration arrests nationwide haven’t been comprehensively published, but some estimates are more than 21,000 immigration detentions across the country since Jan. 20, when President Donald Trump took office.

Last week, state Sen. Omar Aquino, D-Chicago, told a group of immigration advocates that Illinois will stand strong.

“You are not going to come into our house and just try to take people and separate families in this state,” Aquino said. “People have rights. They are human rights.”

Illinois law also limits ICE from using local county detention facilities. Kaitschuk said the state’s sanctuary policies prohibit police from even knowing whether they have a suspected illegal immigrant in their jail.

“And [ICE] they’re having to go to people’s houses and at the point in time, the problem then is that you may be subjecting people then that weren’t involved in any other criminal activity other than being here … not legally and open them up to being subjected to ICE at that point in time in that residence, as opposed to if they were at the jail, where they wouldn’t have been,” Kaitschuk said.

Illinois and Chicago officials are on the other side of the U.S. Department of Justice in litigation over migrant sanctuary policies. Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is due in front of the U.S. House Oversight Committee Wednesday to discuss the city’s migrant sanctuary policies.

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