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HomeBreakingGov. Tony Evers Signs his Own Legislative Maps Into Law

Gov. Tony Evers Signs his Own Legislative Maps Into Law


Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers signed into law new legislative maps Monday morning that will reshape both assembly and senate districts throughout the state.

Evers signed the bill he received from Republican lawmakers last week implementing new maps that will weaken Republicans’ control of the legislature.

The maps, which Evers drew, move dozens of incumbent Republicans into new districts.

The new maps may give Democrats control of the Legislature. Last Week, Democratic lawmakers voted against the maps, arguing the state Supreme Court should pick the new maps instead.

Evers has denied he gerrymandered Wisconsin with his maps that would give Democrats control over the state legislature. Instead, he calls them fair maps.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said Monday in a press release,

“Today, Governor Evers signed the most Republican-leaning maps out of all the Democrat-gerrymandered maps being considered by the Wisconsin Supreme Court. We sent him those maps, not because they are fair, but because the people of Wisconsin deserve certainty in state government. This legislation brings to end this sham of a litigation designed to deliver judicially gerrymandered Democrat maps to the liberal special interest groups funding said litigation.

“This fall Republicans will prove that we can win on any maps because we have the better policy ideas for the State of Wisconsin. We are happy that the Governor’s signature brings to an end decades of liberal special interest litigation over maps in Wisconsin.”

Gov. Evers Press Release

Gov. Evers Signs Fair Maps for Wisconsin
Gov. Evers Keeps Promise to Wisconsinites Undoing a Decade of Wisconsinites Living Under Among the Most Gerrymandered Maps in the United States
Governor enacts fair legislative maps as previously submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court and recently approved by Republican-controlled Legislature with bipartisan support
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today fulfilled his longstanding promise to the people of Wisconsin to fight for and secure fair legislative maps for the state of Wisconsin, undoing more than a decade of Wisconsinites living under some of the most gerrymandered maps in the United States. Gov. Evers’ effort to secure fair legislative maps marks the first time in over fifty years that Wisconsin will have fair legislative maps enacted through the legislative process rather than through the courts.

“I will always try to do the right thing for our state. Wisconsinites want fair maps, and Wisconsinites deserve fair maps. So, today, I’m enacting fair maps for the great state of Wisconsin,” Gov. Evers said. “When I promised I wanted fair maps—not maps that are better for one party or another—I damn well meant it. Wisconsin is not a red state or a blue state—we’re a purple state, and I believe our maps should reflect that basic fact. 

“Today is a victory not for me or any political party but for our state and for the people of Wisconsin who’ve spent a decade demanding more and demanding better of us as elected officials,” Gov. Evers continued. “I believe, as I’ve often said, that the people should get to choose their elected officials, not the other way around. And under the maps I’m signing today, I am making good on that promise. It is a new day in Wisconsin, and today is a beautiful day for democracy.”

The fair legislative maps enacted by Gov. Evers today were previously submitted by the governor to the Wisconsin Supreme Court for their consideration in ongoing redistricting litigation in Clarke v. Wisconsin Elections Commission. Gov. Evers’ maps, as submitted to the Court, were passed by the Republican-controlled Wisconsin State Legislature with bipartisan support last week and enacted by the governor today as 2023 Wisconsin Act 94. The governor’s fair legislative maps, as enacted today, are responsive to the will of the people, avoid partisan bias, and increase the number of competitive legislative seats. A copy of the governor’s full remarks, as prepared for delivery at the bill signing today, are available here.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court previously ruled Wisconsin’s legislative maps were unconstitutional, leaving no legislative maps in place for the 2024 election. Gov. Evers’ maps enacted today will take effect immediately after publication and will be in place for the fall elections, providing certainty for candidates and campaigns preparing to circulate nomination papers this spring.

Gov. Evers today also renewed his pledge to continue working to pass fair, independent, and nonpartisan redistricting in Wisconsin in order to guarantee that fair maps will always be the outcome when our state redistricts after each federal census.

“This is a great day for Wisconsin, and there is much to celebrate. And we’re not going to stop here. I—and we—are going to continue our fight for a fair, independent, and nonpartisan redistricting process for Wisconsin,” Gov. Evers concluded. “If the people of Wisconsin vote to send Democratic majorities to Madison this November, I’ll tell you right now: one of the first orders of business in our first 100 days together will be enacting a fair, independent, and nonpartisan redistricting system in Wisconsin.”

Today, Gov. Evers also submitted an official letter to the Wisconsin Supreme Court asking the Court to retain jurisdiction over this matter to resolve remaining issues, specifically which maps will apply to special elections occurring prior to the November 2024 General Election. A copy of the letter is available here.

A detailed overview of the governor’s fair maps, as submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court and enacted today, is available here, along with procedural history regarding Clarke v. Wisconsin Elections Commission. The governor’s maps are available here:  

Wisconsin State Assembly  

Wisconsin State Senate  

Senate Bill 488, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 94:  

  • Repeals and recreates subchapter III of chapter 4 [precedes 4.01] of Wisconsin State Statutes for the purpose of legislative redistricting; and  
  • As amended, enacts the maps proposed by Gov. Evers, which are responsive to the will of the people, avoid partisan bias, and increase the number of competitive legislative seats.  

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Jim Piwowarczyk
Jim Piwowarczyk is an investigative journalist and co-founder of Wisconsin Right Now.

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