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HomeBreakingTrump Beats Biden - And It’s Not Even Election Day Yet!

Trump Beats Biden – And It’s Not Even Election Day Yet! [Up Against the Wall]


This is an opinion call.

So, Trump, be proud; you’ve been vindicated! Stand tall. Act Presidential.

But dang it. I had my column all written this Sunday morning and then Biden announces that he’s not running for re-election, so now I need re-write the whole thing….

So, Biden is out. (Did anyone tell Biden?) Helen says they’ll tell him when he wakes up from his nap.

Let’s face it, since it’s pile on Biden time… is it possible, albeit not proven, that all his white House handlers had to do was to either a.) tell Biden that he decided the prior day not to run for re-election and the guy wouldn’t even know it, or b.) get him to sign the letter (a/k/a Colonial Potter style on MASH) they wrote saying that he won’t run again? Would he even know the difference?

A lot of Americans (my friends; what few I have) are asking – so how does this work? Well, since the Democrats have decided to nullify their own elections (the primaries and caucuses in which Biden was selected.) (Talking point – Democrats don’t believe in democracy – as demonstrated by their bullying Biden to not seek re-election). Now the process will go back to how things were done back in the ‘old days’ of conventions in which the party insiders chose the nominee rather than the voters.

Note that the party elites had to push Biden to step down before the convention, because if they had gone to the convention, the delegates were obligated to vote for the candidate that won their state, just like I was obligated to vote Trump – and happy to do so. Biden would have won on the first round of voting and it would have all been over. (The Republicans held a voice vote since 100% were on board to with Trump.)

Like the situation in which Mike Johnson became the speaker of the House, this won’t go according to plan. Am I the only person speculating that the Dems new nominee will be a dark horse – not Harris and not Newsom? Why? Because Harris and Newsom have probably been calling around all week trying to get delegates to pledge themselves to each of them, and Harris’s delegates are not going to vote for Newsom, and Newsom’s won’t vote for Harris, so it may end up as a stalemate, just like the House speaker vote.

While the first round of voting is one person, one vote, the second round and thereafter allows the super delegates to vote, (think of them as the politburo). That means the super delegates will decide, not you common citizen Democrats. There could be dozens of rounds of voting, which has happened in past conventions, or it may only be a few if the top two candidates get together and jointly agree in advance on a dark horse candidate. These people aren’t dumb. They know Harris is not popular. (Honestly, my own opinion is that she is dumber than a box of rocks.) It won’t be Obama 2.0 because she’s at least smart enough not to want it. Does anyone think Biden actually knows he endorsed Harris?

They may also want to choose a candidate not tied to their own disastrous policies…someone who has no legislative background and no record of votes that can be criticized. And don’t be surprised if the insiders try to force Biden out of office early, either, making Harris president to give her a leg up on Newsome and other candidates and giving her the power and money of the presidency to use in her fight for the nomination or for the November election if she becomes the nominee. That he didn’t step down in the letter, but rather indicated he plans to serve out his presidency, is telling, though.

I want to hear it from Biden himself.

Remember, Biden and Harris brought us – Nearly 20% inflation = 20% cut in income. That’s the best way to describe inflation to people. Yes, you buy less, but more importantly, it’s the same as getting a 20% cut in your wages. Then there is the border crisis, the Dems essentially stealing tax dollars to pay for food, hotel rooms, and transportation for the illegals, etc.

Changing the top guy, but continuing with the same disastrous policies won’t change anything. A vote for candidate X is a vote for the same policies that gave us two wars, high prices, the green new steal, high oil prices, unaffordable housing, higher rents, and all the other problems this country has. They caused it all, and changing candidates won’t change their policies.

Well, now it’s time to say goodbye to Grandpa Joe. We’ll probably never see or hear from him again, although he’s promised to address the nation soon. Don’t let the door of the oval office hit you in the ass on the way out, buddy. P.S. By the time this column is published, the situation may have changed again!

Wisconsin Right Now is a news organization focused on covering the news from a conservative point of view, in particular on politics and policy issues through analysis and opinions, and is protected by the first amendment of the United States constitution. WRN and the columnist does not make endorsements of candidates or urge a vote for or against any candidate or issue. On October 18 and November 23, 2023 Donald Trump tweeted out on Trump’s Truth Social account T. Wall’s October 6th column on Trump’s property valuations. T. Wall holds a degree from the UW in economics and an M.S. in real estate analysis and valuation and is a real estate developer. Disclaimer: The opinions of the writer are not necessarily those of this publication or the left!

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