Donald Trump’s Black and Hispanic support has grown since 2016 in the key battleground state of Wisconsin, according to a new poll by Marquette Law School.
The new Marquette poll shows Trump’s support among Blacks is up 10% and 14% if you add in people leaning toward Trump. His support among Hispanics is up 8% since 2016. Whites are divided on Joe Biden vs. Trump almost equally (there’s a gender gap too), and people of other races narrowly support Trump over Biden.
The poll was taken before Biden chose U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, who is of Jamaican and Indian heritage, to be his vice presidential running mate.
Read the poll in full here. It was released on August 11, 2020.
How Registered Voters Broke Down in 2020

The poll measured registered voters and found:
- 12% of Blacks polled support Trump, and 1% supported neither Biden nor Trump. Nine percent don’t know who they’re voting for. 78% support Biden.
- 25% of Hispanics support Trump, 8% support neither candidate, and 9% don’t know. The poll says 58% of Hispanics support Biden.
- 46% people of other races support Trump compared to 40% for Biden (and 7 percent say neither and 6% don’t know).
How Registered Voters Broke Down in 2020 With ‘Leaners’ Included
Marquette poll likely voters, 2020. If you add in people leaning one way, Trump’s support among Black voters grows. The poll found:
- 16% of Blacks support Trump (84% don’t).
- 25% of Hispanics support Trump (and 8% say they plan to vote for neither Trump nor Biden, and 2% don’t know)
- 47% of whites chose Trump versus 48% for Biden. 48% of people of other non-white races picked Trump compared to 44% for Biden).
Here’s How Registered Voters Broke Down in 2016
Registered voters, 2016. Credit: marquette law school poll In 2016, when Hillary Clinton squared off against Trump, the same poll found less Black and Hispanic support for Trump:
- Only 2% of Blacks supported Trump and 82% supported Hillary. (None of the candidates received 4% of the votes, and don’t know, 2%.)
- 17% of Hispanics supported Trump and 54% supported Hillary (4% none of the candidates and 6% don’t know.)(Note: there were stronger third-party candidates in the race in 2016 – Jill Stein and Gary Johnson).
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