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HomeBreakingWhy Trump’s Bond Is Outrageous

Why Trump’s Bond Is Outrageous [Up Against the Wall]


So, the appeals court reduced the size of the bond that Trump had to provide to the court in the phony New York property valuation case. What bothers me is how much false information and speculation is out there.

Example – a writer for the Wall Street Journal named Kessler said that “…the value of his properties really isn’t high enough to justify the risk of providing a bond.” That’s just plain wrong.

As a developer who has to secure bonds for road construction, let me explain how it really works.

Securing a bond involves a developer’s overall balance sheet, specifically the amount of liquid assets vs. the size of the bond requested. The balance sheet must be strong enough to provide confidence to the insurance company that provides the bond that the insurance company will recover the money if the bond is drawn on by the court or attorney general.

It has nothing to do with the value of his individual properties. Trump’s properties undoubtedly have mortgages and, therefore, cannot individually or collectively be used as collateral to secure a bond. (The mortgages would prohibit that.)

Also, since Trump’s assets and, therefore, his balance sheet are under attack by Attorney General James, most insurance carriers would fear that the assets on his balance sheet may not be there in a month if AG James tries to confiscate them, which she threatened to do. That’s why Trump couldn’t secure a bond initially. This means most insurance carriers would not have any confidence in Trump’s ability to maintain his balance sheet under numerous threats. And that’s not the American way because those threats to destroy him are denying his ability to appeal the case, which is his legal right.

It’s misleading to say his property values weren’t high enough to justify the risk. The properties could be worth many billions, and that still would not be enough if the properties have mortgages that would prohibit an insurance company from collecting on them or placing a second mortgage on them, and second, no matter the values, as long as the attorney general is threatening to effectively bankrupt Trump, it would be impossible to secure a bond.

Only by lowering the amount of the required bond was Trump able to raise enough liquid assets (probably cash, I am guessing) to secure the bond with more than just his company balance sheet.

What I feared is that AG James is so vindictive that she would have gone after Trump’s plane that he uses for campaigning – or she tries to take his home in Trump Tower.  She’s out to destroy him – she doesn’t care about the collateral damage, which includes convincing businesses to pack up and leave NY rather than suffer the same fate. Where does this all end?

Well, I’ve thought about that. Personally, I’m willing to go out on a limb here by predicting that Trump will win – by a lot more than people think in the electoral college, although the popular vote will be closer. It won’t be the 49-state landslide that Reagan won, but it won’t be a slight win either.

Why? Because of all the anxiety that Biden is causing in all of us. No one wants to live this way – well, except the 1/3 of the country that would vote for the devil if he was a Democrat (which he is 😩).

Then, once Trump is in office, he can pardon himself on federal charges and put an end to all these contrived lawsuits. He could also pardon January 6th participants and everyone else who has been attacked ceaselessly by the libs like Rudy G.

Enough is enough. These attacks on a presidential candidate are so Third World, so destructive of our democracy. It has to end, and the only way that will happen is a win and a pardon, and then the dismantling of the deep state, starting with firing all the management of the FBI and CIA, the Justice Department, and all the rest of conspirators who have broken the laws to protect Biden and his alleged crime syndicate family.

Wisconsin Right Now is a news organization focused on covering the news from a conservative point of view, in particular on politics and policy issues through analysis and opinions, and is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.  WRN and the columnist do not make endorsements of candidates or urge a vote for or against any candidate or issue.  On October 18 and November 23, 2023, Donald Trump tweeted out on Trumps Truth Social account T. Walls October 6th column on Trumps property valuations.  T. Wall holds a degree from the UW in economics and an M.S. in real estate analysis and valuation and is a real estate developer.  Disclaimer:  The opinions of the writer are not necessarily those of this publication or the left!

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