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HomeBreakingWhy a Vote for Trump Makes Sense

Why a Vote for Trump Makes Sense [WRN VOICES]


Subject: Why Vote for Trump?

I’ve got a service provider/ consultant friend of mine that we use for our larger buildings who’s a liberal. (Choke, cough, gag. Sorry, I had to clear my throat.) I’ve tried to explain to him that his livelihood depends on Harris not getting elected; not that I would stop hiring him, because unlike the left, I don’t believe in trying to cancel people or businesses, but rather because he works for developers. Of course, he also works for governments too, and his firm has benefited greatly from the massive government spending at all levels of government, from the federal government down to the state to local to schools. So, on the other hand, I can see where he personally benefits from the spending.

But if Harries gets elected, he will lose a lot of business from developers, because like me, many developers plan on curtailing development of new housing (MF or SF) because she has promised to raise taxes and even implement a wealth tax. A wealth tax is a tax on the value of what you own, like your house (yes, that would be a double tax), your business, your real estate, your car, your stocks and bonds, your IRA, 401k, etc. A wealth tax would require selling assets to pay the tax and the entire economy would collapse under such a tax. Either way, developers will have to preserve cash to pay those higher taxes under Harries and that means investing and developing significantly less.

So, yeah, if Harris wins, the government will confiscate an even larger portion of the economy and your income and wealth. You will work for them, but you won’t be receiving a salary!

You’ll be working for free – turning over nearly all of your life’s work and compensation to those in government, while they live high and mighty. (You think I’m kidding, but Marxist FDR had the income tax rate at 90%.) Marxism is just really a hidden form of royalty – those in the inner circle, in the case of royalty it’s the royal family, in communist nations it’s what they call the politburo, and in socialist nations under liberal control it’s the Democrat party, which would own and control everything through high taxes.

And that’s why the left, people like Harris and Tammy Baldwin, can’t get elected by telling the truth. They can only win by lying to us, because if they told the truth, very few (except those in government or supported by government) would vote for them.

Now I’m speaking to those undecided voters out there….

Trump, on the other hand, is real. Yeah, yeah, maybe you don’t like he’s tweets, so what.
Don’t read them. I don’t. And you don’t like that he lacks a filter on what he says, but I ask you, isn’t it better to have someone who lacks a filter and is totally honest with us vs. someone who filters every single word and lies, lies, lies? Who is more annoying? And who is more honest? With Trump, what you see is what you get. But I guess from talking to undecided voters like a consultant that works for me, he doesn’t like that. He apparently wants to be lied to. He wants to live in a fairytale land of make believe.

So, let’s summarize for him the differences between the two candidates:

Trump_____________________________ Harris_________________________________
Honest, no filter, maybe talks too much. Serial liar, can’t be honest, giggles under pressure.

Trump: Wants lawful immigration; close border.Harris: Wants open border and illegal immigration so they can give them citizenship so that the illegals can vote, voiding your vote.

Trump: Supports electoral college to avoid disenfranchising rural voters and small population states. Harris: Wants to abolish electoral college so major cities can control the outcome of every election.

Trump: Supports Supreme Court as is. Harris: Wants to stack the deck – putting more (liberal) justices on the supreme court so it becomes a rubber stamp for leftist policies, thereby eliminating the 3rd branch of gov’t.

Trump: Lower taxes or flat tax, higher tariffs. Renew the Trump tax cuts. Harris: Higher income taxes, wealth tax. End Trump tax cuts.

Trump: Educate our youth. Harris: Liberals oppose school vouchers, oppose charter schools, and have failed at educating youth given miserable test scores.

Trump: Competitive health care and lower pricing on drugs through competition. Harris: Government controlled health care.

Trump: Competition, merit-based advancement. Harris: Government controlled health care.

Trump: Re-institute a fair and just justice dept. Harris: Weaponize the justice dept.

Trump: Lock up criminals. Harris: Let criminals out; no bail; no punishment.

Trump: For freedom and liberty. Get Government out of people’s lives. Harris: Wants to tell you what to do, control your life, make all decisions for you.

Trump: Loves America. Harris: Hates America.

Trump: Supports 2nd amendment. Harris: Wants to end your right to own a gun of any kind.

Trump: Economy – Wants private sector control, strong economy, lower interest rates. Harris Wants gov’t control of the economy and wants to decide what we should produce, how much, and how.

Trump: Foreign policy – tough on adversaries; peace through strength, supports allies. Wars through weakness. Harris: Undermines allies like Israel. Weak military.

Trump: Drill baby drill, build the pipelines, import less. Harris: Restricts domestic oil; won’t allow pipelines; supports high oil and gas prices to subsidize green energy.

That pretty much sums it up. If you don’t know who to vote for by now, God help us.

Fun Facts About T. Wall – T. Wall has a service dog, official and all. T. Wall had his second open heart surgery to correct a defective valve he was born with. All good now!

Wisconsin Right Now is a news organization focused on covering the news from a conservative point of view, in particular on politics and policy issues through analysis and opinions, and is protected by the first amendment of the United States constitution. WRN does not make endorsements of candidates or direct readers to vote for or against any candidate or issue. On October 18 and November 23, 2023 Donald Trump tweeted out on Trump’s Truth Social account T. Wall’s October 6th column on Trump’s property valuations. T. Wall has appeared on Fox News, Jesse Waters Show on Fox, Newsmax, CBS, NBC, Spectrum News 1, USA Today,, YouTube, and numerous Madison and Milwaukee news programs and local newspapers (Wisconsin State Journal, Capital Times, Middleton Review, Middleton Times Tribune, and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and a dozen other Wisconsin papers) and previously wrote a column for InBusiness magazine and the Middleton Times Tribune for five years each. T. Wall holds a degree from the UW in economics and an M.S. in real estate analysis and valuation and his full time career is as a real estate developer. Disclaimer: The opinions of the writer are not necessarily those of this publication or the left!

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